
How Can a Foreign Spouse Apply for Chinese Green Card?

Jocelyn HACOS瀚客企服 2024-01-14

Jason Smith from America successfully got a Chinese green card! He came to China at the age of 20 because of his passion for Chinese culture. Jason met a gentle girl in China, that is, his current wife, who also became his best Chinese teacher. His wife's uncle gave him a Chinese name: Shangguan Jiewen.

After years of marriage, Jason's wife suggested that he apply for a Chinese green card. Jason was excited to hear that. After preparing all the documents, he began to apply for the green card. Jason has lived in China for 10 years and has some savings. The most important thing is that he has been married to a Chinese girl for more than 5 years, so it was easy for Jason to apply for a Chinese green card.

Chinese Green Card

In an international marriage, what are the requirements for a foreign spouse to apply for the Chinese green card?

1Married to a Chinese or a foreigner with permanent residence status in China for more than 5 years.2Resided in China for at least 5 consecutive years.3At least 9 months of residence in China each year.4Have a stable source of subsistence and dwelling place.
So what documents are needed when applying for a Chinese green card?

If you're eligible, hurry up and apply for a Chinese green card~

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How Can a Foreign Spouse Apply for Chinese Green Card?


