
【首发】大朴 & 勿量 | 以玩之名,“C”位出道



- 王尔德 -









The modern metropolis in Xuzhou


【从玩味态度,到山海田园 】

● 客厅

Fireplace, crystal, sunset lamp, and special-shaped sofa with wax skin seem to be in Manhattan, new york, with white as the primary color, decorated with glass, metal and stainless steel, and dark green as the color matching, which echoes with plants and injects vitality into the space. At the same time, there is a kind of ancient luxury.

The dining room uses the classic "GUCCI Green", which brings a fresh and gentle atmosphere. The design and line of the chairs are Italian, and the materials of leather and texture cloth bring fashion and luxury. The special-shaped design of the dining table greatly increases the use space.

● 餐厅

Metropolitan style represents a modern lifestyle, showing a low-key luxury, pursuing a refined lifestyle, combining life with fashion, open space, modern decoration, fashionable and intellectual atmosphere. Therefore, pay special attention to the matching of details and materials.


Interpret the concept of modern kitchen with aesthetic and artistic taste. Dark gold wine utensils, heavy materials, highlight texture, crystal glass wine utensils, wait for fragrance to be injected, and the air is filled with noble breath. The combination of black and silver neutralizes the sense of distance between dark gold and white, which makes the whole space more harmonious, and at the same time has a sense of luxury and luxury.

● 主卧

步入主卧,第一感觉是高级,艺术玻璃墙饰,有着珠宝光泽,略带波纹的设计,搭配羊 毛织物的床品,低调奢华。床头柜的金属镶嵌,抱枕的丝绒镶边,用细节诉说品质。
When you step into the master bedroom, the first feeling is high-grade, artistic glass wall decoration, with jewel luster, slightly corrugated design, bedding with wool fabric, low- key luxury. The metal inlay of bedside table and velvet edge of pillow tell the quality with details.

● 书房

The study not only has the life atmosphere of fireworks, but also ignites the artistic atmosphere of senses.

● 客房

The hard package of amber and beige walls is matched with freehand installation paintings, which has a strong luxurious atmosphere. In the design, the comfort and quality of the rest space are fully considered, and the overall tone echoes the fusion, which will be a luxurious classic, making people stay in the wild and enjoy themselves.

● 女儿房

The tone of the room is grey, which lightens the sweetness of green and yellow, and enhances the sense of high-level. The space is added with arc and round elements, fur balls and blankets, which enhances the lovely and high-level atmosphere of the whole space and creates a cool little princess bedroom.

● 花店

A world that belongs to girls is also the second private space for girls. 

● 露台

Is it the rising sun or the afterglow of the setting sun? Da Pu design & WIANG ART are looking forward to the next story with you.



The modern metropolis in Xuzhou

● 客厅

If champagne is pure and transparent, amber is like whisky, noble, with mature aroma and intoxicating. On the basis of rice and white, brown is superimposed, which naturally forms two domains, dividing the living room and dining room. The pillow, dining chair and decoration of amber orange inject soul into this stable and atmospheric space.

● 餐厅

There is no partition between the dining room and the living room, which extends the vision, not only makes the whole space more transparent, but also highlights the details and quality. The theme of the restaurant is synonymous with exquisiteness-champagne, knocking on the door of elegance. Or drink, or match food with movies. As an adjustment of life, you can show the style of Si people as much as possible.

● 主卧

● 书房

On the basis of champagne color, the master bedroom is matched with elegant amber color, and on the basis of dignity and elegance, it adds a bit of clarity and vitality. In the accessories of the room, silk, fur, leather and metal are used, and small areas are decorated to highlight the details, and at the same time, the texture and level are increased, which is just right and exquisite.

● 客房

With the harmonious matching of blocks and lines, the guest room creates an overall atmosphere of quietness and serenity. Taking flower elements as the main line of decoration, it shows elegance and elegance, and increases the flavor of fashion and vitality.

Children's room is matched with gray and blue, and the whole space is divided into study area, storage area and rest area, which breaks the single attribute of space and emphasizes the diversity and commonality of space.





项目名称 | 大华 · 徐州解忧湖上叠及洋房

项目地点 | 江苏 · 徐州

项目面积 | 上叠265m² 洋房115m²

竣工时间 | 2021.8

甲方单位 | 大华(集团)有限公司

甲方单位 | 大华(集团)徐州湖畔置业有限公司

甲方团队 | 章文、陈吉国、李达、宋晓珉

室内软装 | 上海大朴室内设计有限公司

艺术  品  | 上海勿量艺术设计有限公司

艺术总监 | 潘映烁

软装团队 | 孟莉团队

项目摄影 | 一千度视觉

“上海Dop大朴室内设计”成立十年,旗下四个品牌:“大朴设计”专注于商业地产设计专业品牌;“WLANG ART 勿量艺术”专注于艺术品、艺术家、艺术灯具、家具高定软装艺术品牌;“DOP深化”国内酒店深化第一;“设计得到”室内设计分享平台。

公司在室内设计、软装设计、艺术品设计上秉持以创新、品质为理念,将愿景通过设计手法得到激发和培育,新颖的设计手法、精致的细节、独具一格,得到业内认可。斩获各种国际国内设计大奖,包括设计界“奥斯卡”之称“A'design Award”设计大奖;美国IDA国际设计大奖;英国SBID国际设计大奖;CREDAWARD地产设计大奖;金盘奖年度最佳软装空间奖,2020亚太空间设计十大地产空间设计机构、2020年度中国空间陈设行业十大最具影响力企业、第六届地产设计大奖室内设计优秀奖等。


武汉 · 锦绣前程

苏州 · 祥源售楼处
大连 · 公园世家
青特 · 星城会所
阳光城上海沈梅路售楼处 阳光城康桥美乐样板间  

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