
七月晨读笔记(下)| Rework

13 十三 笑笑星球 2021-02-10


1 When you want something bad enough, you make the time--regardless of other obligations. The truth is most people don't want it bad enough. They protect their ego with the excuse of time. Don't let yourself off the hook with excuses. It's entirely your responsibility to make your dreams come true(内心的力量可以强大也可以如此微小)。

2 So build an audience. Speak, write, blog, tweet, videos, whatever. Share information that's valuable and you'll slowly but surely build a loyal audience. Then when you need to get the word out, the right people will already be listening.(想到松浦弥太郎说的一句话:如果我现在25岁,一定要打造自己专属的发声平台,无论是博客,推特还是脸书。只要能对外发声就行了)。

3 Don't be afraid to show your flaws. Imperfections are real. It's why we like real flowers that wilt, not perfect plastic ones that never change(别等到觉得自己完美了才做想要做的事情,现在就开始做吧,let's get the roll balling)。



1 from the get-go = from the beginning 从一开始。想到first off, in the first place 和first thing in the morning. eg: from the get-go, I didn't realize the importance of grammar. Ps:从get-go想到go-to place, go-to person 和 type A go - getter.

2 good/bad move 这招很漂亮/烂。在字典中看到一个有趣的表达:move heaven and earth, 感天动地,也就是需要竭尽所能。

3 sure-fire adj 必定成功的,肯定会发生的,也就是我们常说的“网红产品和爆款”。eg: the book called Rework has been a sure-fire best seller.

4 get/go (sb)  nowhere (让sb)没有进展。eg: We discussed the idea last day but got nowhere. 反义词:get somewhere 有进展。eg: Talking to him will get you somewhere. 

somewhere around/between (想到ish-odd) 大约,左右。eg:more often than not, buying a book in the UK costs somewhere around 15 pounds. 再来一个例子,he's somewhere between 25 and 27.

deal with the brief discomfort of confrontation up front and avoid the long-term regret 长痛不如短痛。

tip: 练习要有参考,不要自己创造,听听原声 ,让原声的调进入脑袋,用最简单,最笨的方法练习。


1 work out the kinks =work out the problems 解决问题。kink 还有指怪癖的意思,eg: OMG,I cannot imagine you have kinks in your character.

2 warts and all 包括所有的缺点,不隐瞒缺点,不遮丑。eg: she still loves him, warts and all.不管他有什么缺点,她仍然爱她 (好感人的话呀)或者说: she still loves him, moles and all. 

bite off more than you can chew 想一口吃成胖子,不自量力 (这就像一个人需要那么多土地吗?)。bite me 要你管,蛮好玩的一个表达。

out-teach your competition 和对手比东西,但是你可以从教中胜过你的对,教是最好的方法(out-apple apple; behind-the-scenes 幕后的)。

5 pare down = start chopping 做减法。

tip: 不要高估自己的习惯,如果自己不习惯这个音节,说明练习少了,那么多听听习惯。


1 apple-polisher n,马屁精。请老师吃苹果以换取关照的学生,这表达也太形象了吧。-- apple-polish (v) eg:Are you trying to apple-polish me in order to get this job? Ps: brown-nosing --brown-noser(n), suck up tp sb --- butter up sb 都表示马屁精,拍马屁(五道口播客,立里整理~)。

2 park 做动词有停车,也有坐下。eg: park there = sit there. 想到之前学习到的表达:ass - in - seat mentality,ass - off -bed mentality,ass - in -bed mentality  磨来磨去的...

3 great catch 理想伴侣/员工。eg: you are my great catch.

4 red flag 危险信号,需要注意。另外一个小词: farce (n):this is a farce 荒唐的事情,闹剧。形容词是 farcical /'fɑrsɪkl/ 。

5 in tune with ---out of tune with sb/sth 赞同,不赞同。eg: my parents were in tune with the idea of studying abroad.

tip: 学会知识的迁移,所谓的语音语调是有模式的,它都不是新知识,而是旧知识。


1 sweep in under the rug 掩盖sth,其实就是家丑不可外扬。

2 narrative = story, that's a good narrative = that's a good story,想到 a likely story 忽悠。

3 call sb names 骂别人。  eg: you call me names。想到you name it; the name of the game, 最核心,最重要的事情。

4 The squeaky wheel gets the grease 发出点响声,会哭的孩子有奶吃。(一开始不打算记忆这个表达,觉得可能会用不上吧,但后来Eric提及三次,才慢慢意识到,这个表达需要记忆。)

5 cut sb some slack = give me break = let sb off the hook with....(don't let yourself the hook with excuses. ) 放某人一马。

一个tip: 要发现自己的问题,别和别人比,然后花功夫解决掉。每次练习的时候,可以给自己找一下专项的训练,很多事不能一下子改完,但是能够有很多的意识,意识很重要(阅读也是一样呢)。


1 culture isn't foosball table or trust falls 文化不是打桌上足球也不是信任背摔 (团建的游戏)eg:Chinese culture isn't hot pot or majiang. 想到:our culture celebrates the idea of the workahoalic.

2 lame 逊呆了 (shitty, crappy)。反义词:you kick butt, you kick ass, kudos on you, quality, swell, rock.

3 A-versus-B 比较。A-cum-B 和,eg: I am a sort of English teacher-cum-student. 或者用到slash, 表示斜杠青年,eg: I am a writer slash English teacher slash speecher.

4 policy 原则,为人之道。eg: apple-polisher is not my policy, but honesty is my policy. (造得有点牵强,但是加强记忆 ~)

5 healthy 经济繁荣,eg: a healthy economy; 大量的,客观的,eg: a healthy profit; 正常合理的,eg: a healthy attitude/curiosity.

Tip: 如果在一篇文章看到这个单词2次以上,说明这个单词很重要。这个单词和词组是作者常用的,同时也是你需要掌握的。



收获到这样的意识应该是在第二天吧。记得当时录的句子里,camera和filmmaker的发音有点问题。而Eric点评我的录音时,并没有直接告诉我答案说,你这里发音错了,你那里的重读音节错误。而是说:你自己对比听一下 filmmaker 和 camera。他的这句话很简单,却像是一个导航器一样,让我开始返回去听原声,然后通过反复的对比,一点点追踪到自己的错误点,发现自己的重读位置和发音有错。


最后,谢谢Eric,谢谢大家,下期见啦 ~

👉7月晨读笔记(上) | Rework

