

李小天 霞光社 2023-03-18
作者 | 李小天
编辑 | 宋函
2023年世界移动通信大会(MWC 2023)于3月2日落下帷幕。参与这次展会的,除了华为、荣耀、小米等以智能终端为主的全球移动互联网企业,还有诸多和移动通讯行业相关的中国厂商。
全球化1OT(物联网)开发平台服务商涂鸦(tuya)在MWC 2023上重点展示了三款创新“爆品”:电动滑板车Sharp Scooter EM-KS1、DELIVERIES Uark Mini智能配送箱、“功能型耳机”——OTC助听器(辅听耳机)。展会现场的涂鸦工作人员告诉霞光社,作为IOT云平台领域的领跑者,涂鸦在海外的主要市场集中在发达国家和地区,除了传统的北美区域外,目前也正在积极向西欧、中欧等具有商业前景的地区拓展;除了单纯出产联网模组外,国内智能硬件出海也是涂鸦的一项核心业务。

涂鸦在MWC 2023展出的智能宠物喂食器

图源:李小天 摄


根据物联网分析公司 Berg Insight 的一份研究报告显示,2021 年欧洲和北美的智能家居数量达到 1.05 亿个。2021年,北美智能家居数量同比增长13.0%,预计未来几年市场将继续强劲增长。Berg Insight 估计,到 2026 年,北美约有 7460 万户家庭将是智能的,相当于该地区所有家庭的 50%。在市场渗透率方面,欧洲市场落后于北美,预计到 2026 年底,该地区的安装基数将达到约 1 亿个家庭,市场渗透率为 42%。在北美和欧洲,IOT云平台仍有着广阔的发展前景。

涂鸦在MWC 2023展出的智能旅店一体化设备

图源:李小天 摄

总公司位于中国杭州的高性能机器人开发商宇树科技也参与了此次MWC 2023的展出。


宇树科技展出的四足智能机器人。图源:李小天 摄

国际知名的通信设备与解决方案提供商烽火通信(Fiberhome)在MWC 2023展出了他们在亚非地区移动通信领域的建设成就。在场的工作人员告诉霞光社,烽火通信致力于为第三世界国家提供信息技术建设,在东南亚、北非拥有产业基地,产品方案覆盖全球70多个国家,助力运营商和行业客户构建更好、更快、更强的数字连接网络。

烽火通信展出的移动通信基站模型。图源:李小天 摄




MWC 2023: Chinese Electronics Companies Showcase IoT and Promote 5G

MWC 2023 came to an end on March 2. Global consumer electronics companies showcased their products at the event, including Huawei, Honor, Xiaomi, and other Chinese companies in the mobile communication industry.

Tuya Smart

Tuya Smart, a global IoT (Internet of Things) development platform provider, highlighted three innovative products at MWC 2023: the Sharp Scooter EM-KS1, the DELIVERIES Uark Mini smart delivery box, and OTC (over the counter) earphones. Tuya staff at the exhibition booth noted that, as a leader in the IoT field, Tuya's global expansion is concentrated in developed countries and regions. In addition to the North American region, it is also actively expanding to Western Europe, Central Europe, and other areas with commercial prospects. Tuya's core businesses encompass network module production and intelligent hardware exports.

Tuya's Intelligent Pet Feeder

"Tuya is a leading company in the IoT field. However, in the field of smart home appliances, including smart lamps, smart door locks, and smart thermostats, we face tough competition," said a Tuya staff member.

According to a research report by Berg Insight, an IoT analysis company, the number of smart home appliances in Europe and North America reached 105 million in 2021. That year, smart home appliances in North America increased by 13.0% year-over-year. Continued market growth is expected over the next few years. Berg Insight estimated that about 74.6 million households in North America will have smart home appliances by 2026, equivalent to 50% of all households on the continent. In terms of market penetration, the European market lags behind North America. It is estimated that by the end of 2026, about 100 million households will use smart home appliances. In North America and Europe, IoT platforms continue to have wide development prospects.

A United System for Hotels Launched by Tuya

Unitree Robotics

Unitree Robotics, a high-performance robot developer based in Hangzhou, also participated in MWC 2023. Founded in August 2016, Unitree Robotics produces and sells consumer-grade high-performance quadruped robots and smart six-axis mechanical arms, and is one of the earliest companies in the world to commercialize quadruped robots.

Unitree Robotics staff revealed that the company provides thousands of intelligent robots to the global market each year. Unitree's robots are used for performance, programming education, assembly line inspection, operations in hazardous settings, and many other applications. The company holds a leading position in the global field of quadruped robots due to its capabilities in R&D and mass production.

Quadruped Robot Shown by Unitree Robotics


Fiberhome, an internationally renowned provider of communication equipment and solutions, exhibited their achievements in the mobile communication field at MWC 2023. Its staff described Fiberhome's commitment to providing information technology solutions for third world countries, with industrial bases in Southeast Asia and North Africa. Its products and services cover more than 70 countries around the world, helping operators build better, faster, and stronger digital networks.

Bridging the Digital Divide

"Bridging the digital divide" was one of the main themes of MWC 2023. Chinese mobile communication companies have contributed to a variety of solutions for the challenge.

Huawei exhibited its barrier-free technology system. The compatible and efficient HarmonyOS built around its consumer electronic products features AI subtitles, larger fonts, text-to-voice reading, and other functions aimed at greater accessibility and convenience for people with disabilities.

Another theme was "Connecting the world, living a better and smarter life." Telecom carrier China Unicom exhibited its plans and achievements in high-speed information network construction and expansion in rural areas. At present, China Unicom has enabled internet connectivity in 95% of villages in China and built digital management platforms for more than 250,000 villages.

Nearly all Chinese companies at the exhibition believe that 5G continues to be the future of the mobile communication industry. According to the Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA), as of 2022, over one billion people around the world are connected by 5G, which will increase to about 1.5 billion this year and reach two billion by the end of 2025. By 2029, 5G will surpass 4G to become the world's leading mobile communication technology. Holographic videos, enterprise cloud services, private mobile networks, passive IoT technologies, and integrated sensing and communication technologies will all develop rapidly under the impetus of 5G.





