- VAST Data 是一家堪称教科书式的成功创业公司:产品GA仅17个月后就成为最快达到独角兽估值的IT基础设施公司。
- VAST Data 的产品/核心技术、核心团队、融资、团队建设、业务拓展/行业/客户、生态/销售渠道、市场营销、商业模式/销售/营利性等方面的战略设置和执行 - 皆显示出这是专业的上乘之作。值得我们细心学习。
Source: https://vastdata.com/aboutThe future belongs to those who build itWe're on a mission to build the only data platform that can match the ambition of AI era companies. By creating simple solutions to make data more meaningful, we help organizations around the world unlock radical intelligence and utility. We equip them to make better decisions, innovate and solve previously impossible problems for the benefit of business and, in turn, society.Building a new era of data infrastructure.Artificial Intelligence will transform the world at a fundamental level, with the potential to create 4x the impact of the internet on our global economy.As we enter this fourth revolution, computers will make sense of the natural world in ways we can't. They will solve the problems we are not able to. To help make this AI a reality, VAST has taken a clean-slate approach to understanding and building a data platform to power the intelligent computers of tomorrow.We challenge convention to boldly stride across the divide between what we can imagine, and what we can build. Our mission is to shatter the tradeoffs that clip the wings of innovation. To build beyond our horizons and enable others to build beyond theirs. Each epoch of innovation becomes the foundation for the next, where a flywheel of successful innovation pays for quantum leaps in capability. Our story starts with Universal Storage, but will evolve far beyond it.While others are simply racing to reach our horizon, we're already building beyond it. Come build with us.Our story is one of innovation that drives unparalleled business success.Annual Recurring Revenue: $100MThe fastest data infrastructure company in history to go from $1M - $100M of ARR within three years of selling.While growing Annual Recurring Revenue by more than 2.5 times year over year.For three straight years while capturing market share at 27 times the industry average year over year.Average Sales Price: $1.4MWith hundreds of Fortune 500 customers & partners across the globe in all major industries and use cases.Meet the people behind the innovation.United by a common vision, our core leadership team has remained intact since our first days as a start-up. We all began our careers working the grind. We all experienced the legacy thinking that permeates the tech world and believed there was a better way. We are like-minded in our desire to build a challenger brand centered on solutions built for the future of computing.We are inventors, builders, and doers.Renen Hallak, Co-Founder & CEO
-VP Engineering, XtremIO
Michael Wing
-Senior Vice President - Primary Storage, DELL EMC
Jeff Denworth
-SVP, Marketing, CTERA Networks; VP,Marketing, DDN Storage
Shachar Fienblit
Co-Founder & Chief R&D Officer
-VP, Product Operations, Pure Storage
Assaf Cohen
VP, Finance
-Financial Planning Analyst, Dell EMC
Asaf Levy
Chief Architect
-Software Development Manager, IBM
Karmit Shitrit
VP, Human Resources
-HR Business Partner & Welfare Manager, XtremIO, Dell-EMC
Alon Horev
Co-Founder & VP, Technology
-Data Team Lead, Cisco
Avery Pham
VP, Operations
-VP, Product Operations, Pure Storage
Subramanian Kartik
VP, Systems Engineering
-Global VP & Distinguished Engineer, Global Presales, Advanced Technology Solutions, Dell EMC
Helen Protopapas
VP, Finance
-Divisional CFO, Marketplaces and Tech, Ringier AG
Andy Pernsteiner
Field CTO
-Principal Systems Engineer : Isilon Division, EMC
Our values drive us to accomplish great things InnovationInnovation is at the core of everything we do at VAST. Our customers innovate by pushing the boundaries of what's possible with data, and we innovate by building the platform that powers their mission. While others took an incremental approach to data management challenges, VAST reimagined storage to build a data platform for the age of AI.At VAST, we believe the fastest path to insight comes from stripping away complexity and tearing down limitations. When everything is simple and just works, the focus on innovation and advancement thrives.Transparency fuels our relationship with our customers and business partners. It allows us to partner and align with our customer's interests to eschew the predatory business models of legacy vendors.VAST is a flat organization where every position is dedicated to business success. We don't design by committee and we value clear discussions from both our employees and our customers. We believe honest and direct communication leads to better partnerships, a better product, and better outcomes for everyone.Efficiency is what moves VAST technology from evolutionary to revolutionary. We question where others accept, delivering superior value to maximize performance and scalability while lowering costs and economic footprint.Outcomes are the only measure that matters. At VAST, we measure ourselves not in terms of IOPS, bandwidth, or data reduction rates (though we do like to brag a bit) but by the outcomes that we deliver for our customers.==========================Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VAST_DataVAST Data是一家专注于数据存储的科技公司,主要专注于闪存存储技术。成立于2016年,VAST在美国、英国、法国、德国和澳大利亚设有办公室。VAST Data的创立目标是通过一个固态平台取代多个存储层。VAST Data被美国国立卫生研究院和哈佛大学用于抗击COVID-19疫情,同时也被Ginkgo Bioworks用于基因组研究。VAST成立于2016年,创始人包括前XtremIO研发工程师Renen Hallak、前Kaminario员工Shachar Fienblit以及前CTERA Networks员工Jeff Denworth。DELL EMC的Mike Wing也是VAST Data的领导团队成员之一。VAST Data的成立得到了DELL和Goldman Sachs的支持。截至2020年4月,该公司有145名员工,其中大多数是远程工作者。2021年4月,VAST采用了一种名为Gemini的软件许可模式,使客户能够将硬件采购周期与软件许可成本分开。VAST Data使用英特尔的Optane(或基于3D XPoint的)NVMe固态硬盘。3D XPoint非易失性存储器集成到VAST Data的架构中,作为处理计算存储软件任务的硬件机制,例如纠删码、大条带写入优化和其他软件机制,以便在3D XPoint高性能固态硬盘后面有效地使用成本较低、高密度的NAND Flash固态硬盘。VAST Data的技术允许将多个存储层合并为一个具有解耦计算节点的层,可以使用NVMe-oF进行访问。在数据压缩后,可用空间约为2PB。单个VAST Data层使用宽数据条带,旨在进行全局纠删码。NVMe连接的Databoxes包含用于存储数据的闪存驱动器和用于元数据的Optane XPoint。VAST存储设备通过NVMe-oF连接到服务器,使用100Gbit/s以太网或Infiniband。VAST Data在通用存储方面采用了Flash-QLC和百分之百持久的全局命名空间。它支持人工智能应用以及Web内容或搜索等更传统的应用。其2020年的存储架构发布,称为LightSpeed,结合了三个核心元素,为人工智能和高性能计算提供并行和更具可扩展性的性能。这些元素包括:NFS Multipath, NFS over RDMA, GPUDirect Storage。