
追寻人文,归心自然#Trends 381

设计趋势 DESIGN TRENDS 设计趋势 2023-09-24

设计从自然与人文中取材,但并不是单纯的实现,而是要与当代结合,提纯,创造,而后升华。—— 布鲁盟设计 邦邦

Design should draw inspirations from nature and culture, and also integrate with modern demands to define the beauty of a living space deep in humanity. —— Kelly Lin from Bluemoon Design





Located at 25° altitude north, Kunming

is renowned for its beautiful mountains and waters, as well as unique ethnic customs,

which form its warm and elegant style.


Hanhua Tianma Mountain International Hot Spring Resort is an ideal destination integrating hot springs, health resort, ecotourism, entertainment and sports. The interior and soft furnishing of its experience center are designed by the well-known design organization——Bluemoon Design.


“What can be found in history are poets mesmerized by the beauty and elegance of Kunming. How to integrate the site with culture and art, how to create a dynamic and natural atmosphere, how to keep the harmony between human and nature, and how to bring art back to life are the challenges we are faced with”, said Kelly Lin.


At the entrance of the lobby is a huge landscape rock serving as the visual focus of the space. Well-proportioned sloped roof building is designed with a skylight, introducing natural light into the space. The beauty of power and the artistic conception are combined in the space, contributing to a poetic atmosphere.  


As one of the most influential Asian design companies that specialize in cultural tourism, Bluemoon design is skilled in interpreting humanity and nature based on artistic perspectives and the warmth of local culture. “The design of the experience center is inspired by two items,camellia and tea. “


“’Tea’ is a specialty of Yunnan, which is abstracted and interpreted as the design element of the space. Therefore, all the large-area colors look as if they were steeped in tea, romantic and beautiful with ‘flowers’ interspersing the space randomly.”


The tea is clear and refreshing, while the camellia is fragrant and graceful, expressing the profoundness of culture and the beauty of nature. 


“Awake from a drunken sleep among the camellias, and enjoy the setting sun in the West Village.” Inspired by the beautiful poem, the white of camellias and the red of sunset glow are employed to create an elegant and gentle atmosphere. The large decorative lights look like falling flowers, the grating partition carved with flower patterns, the symmetrical screens covered with red glaze, and the brownish red sculpture made of clay…...all these form a sequential space and change the style from the magnificence of the lobby to the grace of the reception hall. 


A good design, from the space to the details, is the result of cultural accumulation. The designer draws inspirations from traditional art, natural surroundings and local customs, vividly describes the elegance, richness and freedom of the cultural tourism life. 


“The craft of batik in Yunnan is well known around the world. Therefore, based on contemporary design, we’ve also taken this local cultural element into consideration.”


Batik and weaving are traditional handcrafts which have recorded craftsman’s perseverance, historical stories and profound culture over the past thousands of years. Inspired by batik and weaving, the colossal pendant creates breathtaking visual effect in the space.


Embellished with bright red, dark blue and dynamic lines, the space embodies the spirit and strength of humanity.  

极具东方色彩的“红”平添更多风姿俊秀的意韵,来自当地少数民族别具风情的饰物,诗意地构建起世外桃源的印象 —— 自足、独特、静谧、尔雅,荡涤人心。布鲁盟在这里思考的,是民族文化与空间语境的对话、碰撞与融合。他们用温情的笔墨,追溯民族文化的源头。

The classic Chinese red and ethnic decorations contribute to a paradise-like space which is self-contained, unique, tranquil, elegant and free from earthly trifles. Here Bluemoon has considered the dialogue, collision and integration between ethnic culture and spatial context, trying to retrospect the origin of the ethnic culture with warm style.


“Aesthetic taste for modern design should be diverse, especially for cultural tourism design. In the long history, people have accumulated rich experience in life and production, creating various forms of culture and knowledge. The designer has skillfully chosen black, red and cyan to decorate the screens, flowers, porcelain, art sculpture, silverware and necklace. In addition, techniques like fabric weaving, rattan weaving and wood engraving are employed to outline an elegant cultural space.  


In fact, culture should not be mentioned just in empty talk. Instead, it needs to be explored and employed. Therefore, the designer of Bluemoon has deeply explored the local culture of Yunnan and created many simple or exquisite decorations which will remind visitors of local culture and nature. The sculptural furnitures and decorations contribute to a pure aesthetic space, allowing people to return to nature.


The design originates from local characteristics and embodies the spirit of the time. Mountains, rivers, tall trees, lush green meadows, blooming flowers and flying birds in nature as well as batik, clothing and embroidery in life are all sources of inspiration for the designers.  


The space is mainly decorated in camellia white. The texture of the rock, the shape of the roof tile and the clearness of the colored glaze, embody the elegance, brightness and openness in tranquility. 


The design of the VIP room follows the simple style of oriental art, only using a Chinese-red rattan chair to brighten the low-key black space.


The romantic Bluemoon team has drawn inspirations and imaginations from nature and local customs, using modern art skills to create a space which integrates profound culture and boundless art. Innovative design and dynamic space allow people to explore more about the local culture between fantasy and reality.

项目名称|  昆明汉华天马山国际温泉度假区体验中心

项目地址|  云南 昆明

开发商名|  云南汉华温泉国际旅游度假有限公司

项目面积|  1053㎡

硬装设计|  布鲁盟设计

软装设计|  布鲁盟设计

项目摄影|  隋思聪、翱翔

ProjectExperience Center of Kunming Han Hua Tianma Mountain International Hot Spring Resort

LocationKunming, Yunnan 

Developer|Yunnan Hanhua International Hot Spring Resort Co., Ltd.  

Area1,053 ㎡

Interior DesignBluemoon Design 

Soft Furnishing DesignBluemoon Design 

PhotographerSui Sicong, Ao Xiang 


Bluemoon Design





Founder/Creative Director


邦邦 Kelly Lin



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