

Emma 独到英语 2020-10-28












Popular culture often portrays(刻画) the 30s as life’s best years. Free from (摆脱了) the financial and personal insecurity(不安全感) of the 20s and not yet approaching the midlife challenges(中年挑战,还有常说的中年危机midlife crisis) of the 40s and 50s, the 30s are said to be the best decade of our lives.

In a recent UnitedHealthcare survey of people older than 100 years, respondents(受访者) were asked what stage of their lives they remember most fondly(珍爱地). Of those who chose a specific stage, their 30s came up most frequently.

Psychologist Donna Dawson, explained, “By the age of 33, innocence(天真无邪) has been lost, but our sense of reality(面对现实) is mixed with a strong sense of hope, a ‘can do’ spirit(口语中经常出现,直译是“我可以”,引申为乐观积极的精神), and a healthy belief in our own talents and abilities.

We also strike the best work-life balance(工作和生活的平衡) at age 34, and achieve true contentment(n. 满足,adj. content) at age 38. ” 

Soar to new heights (创新高)in your career

While the 20s are generally characterized by (特征是) completing your education, choosing a career path, and working long hours to move up the ladder(很地道的表达,表示升迁), the decade that follows is more about enjoying career success and financial success.

▷ sth. be characterized by ... 以…为特点,这个短语很常用哦,by后面以动名词的形式,跟了三部分内容哦,完成学业、选择职业道路、为升职而长时间加班,这是20-30岁阶段的主要特征。名词形式也很常用哦,characteristic [ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk] n. 特色、特征。

The ages of 30 to 39 can be a time of career highlights(亮点). Thirty-something women can look forward to pay growth peaking(名词是山顶,在这里做动词,达到巅峰、峰值) at an average age of 39, according to a Payscale.com analysis.

A 1977 study found that physics Nobel winners(诺贝尔物理学奖获得者,获奖人还可以说laureate) were an average of 36 years old when they did their prize-winning research, while chemistry prize winners were an average of 39 years old.

Like the way you look

You might hear a middle-aged person tell a teen or 20-something to enjoy their fast metabolisms(新陈代谢) and forgiving bodies(宽宏大量的身体,意思是20多岁的身体承受力强、韧性足) while they can, but a Gallup survey(盖洛普调查) found that two-thirds of Americans over 35 said they like the way they look.

Perhaps they no longer depend on others for approval. Their self-love becomes much more prevalent(普遍的) and they don’t yearn desperately for(拼命渴求…yearn for sth.渴望、渴求) recognition.

The legendary investor Warren Buffett once said to 30-something people, “My father taught me to have  ‘an inner scorecard’,” ( 内心的计分卡) rather than an ‘outer scorecard’.”

“An ‘outer scorecard(外在的计分卡), which many people have, is: What will people think of me? Will they judge(评判,judge sb. by sth. 用...来评判一个人) me by the way I dress or the way I look or the car I drive?

“And the ‘inner scorecard’, which is much more important, is: Am I doing the right things? Am I treating people correctly? Is this working for me (这适合我吗)as an individual? Does that make me a decent person(好人) ?”

You know who your real friends are

In your twenties, you want to be friends with everyone. All you want to do is meet people.


In your thirties, group hangs(一群人玩乐) begin to become insufferable. In your thirties, you learn who your real friends are. 

Thankfully, after years and years of fake “let’s catch up” conversations(虚情假意地和别人说要叙叙旧), the group hang is replaced by the 1-on-1.  

Most of the time, I just want to spend an intimate(亲密的) evening talking with someone I care deeply about, someone who is actually part of my life.

文章来源:Business Insider



今天来说说work for sb.,在这篇文章里不是为某人工作的意思哦。

work vi. 在本文是有效、合适的意思。

那work for sb.根据上下文语境,一般指适合某人,或者对某人来讲有效、可以接受的意思。

这种用法非常常用!比如,在言情剧里,女主对男主说,“I'm sorry, but this isn't working for me any more. ” 指的是她不再能接受这种恋爱关系了。

再比如朋友给你推荐瑜伽时说,“I do Yoga every day. It works for me and I think it could work for you too. ” 指的是瑜伽对她很有用,也许对你也会有效果哦!







