

大眼 独到英语 2020-10-28













Dreaming at your desk about your recent trip? Remembering your child's face during those sweet family moments? Not remembering you have a meeting in 10 minutes? You are not alone (可不要翻译成“你并不孤独”,这里表示不只你一个的意思).


Doctors don't officially have a name for this. There's nothing specific in the official manual (手册) of mental disorders (精神病,心理障碍). But the Twitterverse (这是把twitter和universe两个词结合起来形成的新词,表示在整个推特上) calls the #backtoworkblues (返工忧郁症) or a "post vacation hangover." (假期后宿醉)

△ 除了以上提到的两种说法,节后综合征/假期综合征还可以表达成:post-vacation blues, post-holiday blues,vacation/holiday blues,blue作为形容词,表示忧郁的,blues作为名词,表示忧郁。

Feel familiar? This crankiness (古怪) about the first day back to work is perfectly normal according to Dr. Angelos Halaris, professor of psychiatry and behavioral neurosciences (精神病学和行为神经学)at Loyola University in Illinois.


"There is probably more than one good reason for this. For many, the holiday season is like a dream world and hopefully people have had a good dream, but it is like a dream that ceases (停止) literally overnight (一夜之间,突然)," Halaris said. "There is a real sense of loss that comes with this transition period (过渡时期) that makes us all a little sad."

△ overnight是一个很常用的词,经常用来形容很短的一段时间内可能或不可能完成什么事。例句:He's realistic enough to know that's he's not going to succeed overnight. 他很实际,知道自己不可能一夜成名。

So what can you do to bring back that holiday feeling even if you're at the office?

1. Ease back into work (慢慢地进入工作状态). "Don't jump into the cold water, you'll have a heart attack. Ease your way back into your routine (日常工作)," Halaris said. Set small goals to feel a sense of accomplishment (成就感).

△ ease 在这里用作动词,原意是轻轻地、慢慢地移动,这里引申为慢慢适应, 通常的搭配是ease one's way somewhere或ease somewhere。例句:I eased my way towards door. 我慢慢地朝着门走去。

"If you ease into this with full awareness, rather than(而不是) trying to plan a ton (大量) and hope to get it all done in the next 24 hours, it helps."

2. Don't dwell. (不要留恋) 

△ dwell 通常后面加on/upon,表示细想,或详细讲述。例句:The majority of people do not live in the present. They either dwell on their past or daydream about the future. 大多数人都不活在当下,他们不是沉浸在过去的回忆里,就是对未来做着白日梦。

Know that something you enjoyed has come to an end, but make peace with (与…和平相处,引申为接受的意思) it and know it will come back again. Resist (抵制,停止) feeling sorry for yourself.

"Self talk (自我对话) and being optimistic is important," Halaris said. Look at kitten pictures online  if you need a little lift (提振精神,常用的搭配是give sb. a lift).

3. Take advantage of (充分利用)the break in your routine and start new office habits. 

Even if it is something small like being friendlier to random co-workers or getting up to walk away from your desk once an hour (每一个小时就站起来离开桌子走动一下), it helps.

4. Think about what you liked about your break and bring an element of (一点点,少许) it to your work. 

Pajamas (睡衣,注意这是个复数名词,就像pants一样)may not be in the dress-for-success (着装得体,整句的意思是虽然假期里你喜欢穿睡衣,但穿去上班可能不太合适) plan, but if you enjoyed connecting with friends you don't normally see, squeeze (挤出时间) them into your weekly schedule, even if it's for a 15-minute coffee.

△ Squeeze 很常用,可以是squeeze sth. into (a schedule),也可以是squeeze in sth. 都表示(在很满的日程中)挤进去,例句:While we're in Australia, we hope to squeeze in a trip to the Barrier Reef. 我们去澳大利亚的时候,希望能抽空去趟大堡礁。




back-to-work blues 返工忧郁症

overnight 突然

transition period 过渡时期 

ease one's way somewhere 轻轻地移动

sense of accomplishment 成就感

make peace with 接受

give sb. a lift  让某人精神振奋

take advantage of 利用

dress for success 着装得体

squeeze 挤压




细读 | 美国名流竟这样走后门把孩子塞进顶尖高校...



