
Met Gala红毯: 她的惊艳变装,让张艺兴的帅气无处安放

大眼 独到英语 2020-10-28




Met Gala又来了!










△ 作为今年的联合主席之一,Lady Gaga可是把坎普风发挥到了极致,上上下下红毯走了16分钟,从优雅、夸张再到怪诞、袒露,前后换了4种造型,简直是她戏剧人生的缩影,戳上面看2分多钟的Lady Gaga换装剪辑。

Even if you don’t care about fashion, you should still care about the Met Gala.

Unlike how the Grammy Awards loves to refer to itself as “music’s biggest night,” the Met Gala actually is fashion’s biggest night.

 It’s the one event wherein the most famous people in the world — reclusive pop stars, Oscar-winning actors, and royalty, all personally invited by Vogue editor in chief Anna Wintour — gather at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York in the most extravagant, most intensely planned outfits we’ll see them in all year.

Here, no one is too cool for the Met Gala, because the Met Gala is also essentially a costume party.

Its primary raison d’etre is to celebrate the opening of the Met’s annual Costume Institute exhibition, whose theme doubles as that of the gala.

Unlike most Met Gala themes, this year’s happens to come with a rather instructive seminal essay explaining precisely what the theme is. But that doesn’t make it any easier to dress for.

The exhibition, “Camp: Notes on Fashion,” pulls largely from Susan Sontag’s 1964 essay “Notes on Camp” that defines camp as "love of the unnatural: of artifice and exaggeration.

Though Sontag took camp mainstream, the aesthetic originally comes from queer culture and dates back to the 17th century. Still, the art of camp remains hard to define to this day.

However complicated the meaning of camp in this context, there were a bunch of celebrities who fully committed to the theme and succeeded at conjuring the spirit of the aesthetic. Below are pictures of some of the celebrities who absolutely nailed it.


△ 可上下滑动看无注释版原文,精读版在下方

Even if you don’t care about fashion, you should still care about the Met Gala.

△ 纽约大都会艺术博物馆慈善晚宴,一年一度的时尚盛事,每年都有不少影视界、模特界、体育界的明星出席,今年出席的中国明星有李宇春、张艺兴、刘雯等。Gala是指欢庆、盛典,我们的春晚就译作Spring Festival Gala。

△ 卷福和妻子Sophie Hunter

Unlike how the Grammy Awards loves to refer to itself as “music’s biggest night,” the Met Gala actually is (的确是,英文中有时用斜体来表示强调)fashion’s biggest night. 

It’s the one event wherein the most famous people in the world — reclusive (深居简出的) pop stars, Oscar-winning actors, and royalty (皇室), all personally invited by Vogue editor in chief (主编) Anna Wintour (美版Vogue的主编,时尚界响当当的人物,也是电影《穿普拉达的女魔头》的原型) — gather at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York (纽约大都会艺术博物馆) in the most extravagant (奢华的), most intensely planned outfits (全套服装) we’ll see them in all year.

△ “神奇女侠”加尔·盖朵

Here, no one is too cool for the Met Gala, because the Met Gala is also essentially a costume party (化装舞会)

Its primary raison d’etre (存在的首要原因,源自法语的词汇) is to celebrate the opening of the Met’s annual Costume Institute exhibition (大都会艺术博物馆时装学院主题展), whose theme doubles (兼职,兼作) as that of the gala.

△ Double作为动词,不仅可以表示增长一倍,还有兼职、兼作的意思,例句:Lots of homes in town double as businesses. 许多市区的住房还兼作商铺。

△ 大表姐“刘雯”

Unlike most Met Gala themes, this year’s happens to come with a rather instructive seminal (开创性的,有重大影响的) essay explaining precisely what the theme is. But that doesn’t make it any easier to dress for. 

The exhibition, “Camp: Notes on Fashion,” pulls largely from Susan Sontag’s 1964 essay “Notes on Camp” that defines camp as "love of the unnatural: of artifice and exaggeration (奇诡和夸张).

△ Camp,坎普风,这是今年Met Gala的主题,也是时装学院展的主题,策展的灵感来自于Susan Sontag(苏珊·桑塔格)1964年发表的文章。苏珊·桑塔格是美国知名作家和艺术评论家,她在文章一开始对“坎普”下的注解是:在本质上就是对不自然事物的爱好 – 对奇诡和夸张事物的爱好。

△ 李宇春

Though Sontag took camp mainstream (主流的), the aesthetic (通常作为形容词,加了the,用作名词,表示某种审美) originally comes from queer culture (同性恋文化)and dates back to (追溯到) the 17th century. Still, the art of camp remains hard to define to this day.

△ 西班牙女神佩内洛普·克鲁兹

However complicated the meaning of camp in this context, there were a bunch of celebrities who fully committed to the theme and succeeded at conjuring (变魔术般凭空出现) the spirit of the aesthetic. Below are pictures of some of the celebrities who absolutely nailed it(很常用的口语表达,表示成功做到了,搞定).

△ Lady Gaga 四套造型之一

△ 水果姐Katy Perry的烛台造型

△ Katy Perry的汉堡造型

△ Celine Dion

△ 卡戴珊

△ 网球女王Serena Williams

△ Saiorse Ronan

文章来源:Vox, Bazaar


一向被众人批评很不“怀逊”的大眼,追了好几年的Met Gala,也没有看出今年明星们的奇装异服和往年有什么大的区别,只能简单粗暴地把难以穿出门的夸张服饰都理解为Camp风格,不过每年的红毯看看还是相当养眼的,今年的造型你最爱哪一个呢?今天的文章不太容易,难度我打5颗星,下面的词汇表,记得收藏哦!






