

大眼 独到英语 2020-10-28











导致 “交通拥堵”,增加了高原反应的风险,





If you imagine the summit of Mount Everest, you might picture a quiet, snowy peak far from civilisation.

But a striking photo, taken by mountaineer Nirmal Purja, shows how the reality can be a lot more crowded.

Mr Purja's photo has attracted attention around the world - amid the tragic news that seven climbers died on Everest in the past week.

The picture gives a glimpse into the tough conditions facing climbers at the highest peak in the world.

Is it normal to see such long queues near the summit?

Yes - according to guides, this happens quite often during the climbing season.

"It's normally that crowded," says Mingma Sherpa, chairman of Seven Summits Treks, adding that climbers sometimes queue between 20 minutes, and 1.5 hours, in order to reach the summit.

It often depends on how long the window for suitable climbing weather is - because mountaineers need to avoid fierce jet streams that would hinder them.

"If there's one week [of safe weather], then the summit isn't crowded. But sometimes, when there's only a window of two or three days, it gets very crowded".

Is overcrowding dangerous?

Mr Dujmovits, who reached the Everest Summit in 1992,  says that long queues at the summit can be hazardous.

"When people have to wait in queues, they risk running short of oxygen - and may not have enough oxygen left on their way down."

Why are there 'traffic jams'?

Experts say crowds at Everest have also increased in recent years because expeditions have become more popular.

Many "traffic jams" are caused by unprepared climbers who "do not have the physical condition" for the journey.

This risks not only their lives, but the lives of the Sherpas taking them up the mountain.

Is it worth reaching the summit?

Mr Dujmovits says that, despite being exhausted, he felt "a total release" when he got to the top.

However, descending safely - even if you haven't reached the summit - is much more important, he says.

"I lost so many friends who died during the descent over the years - many accidents happen during the descent because people are just not concentrating enough anymore."

"The real summit is actually back at base camp - when you're back, you can really feel the enjoyment of everything you've done."

△ 可上下滑动看原文,精读版在下方

If you imagine the summit of Mount Everest国际上通用的是这一称呼埃佛勒斯峰,我们称为珠穆朗玛峰Qomolangma), you might picture a quiet, snowy peak(白雪皑皑的山顶) far from civilisation (远离文明).

But a striking(惊人的) photo, taken by mountaineer (登山者) Nirmal Purja, shows how the reality can be a lot more crowded.


Mr. Purja's photo has attracted attention around the world – amid(在..中间,伴随着) the tragic news that seven climbers died on Everest in the past week.

The picture gives a glimpse into (让人一窥,让人大致了解)the tough conditions facing climbers at the highest peak in the world.

- Is it normal to see such long queues near the summit(顶点)?

Yes - according to guides, this happens quite often during the climbing season.

"It's normally that crowded," says Mingma Sherpa(夏尔巴人,以给攀登珠峰的人当向导或背夫而闻名于世), chairman of Seven Summits Treks(尼泊尔徒步旅行公司), adding that climbers sometimes queue (排队,不同于上文,这里用作动词)between 20 minutes, and 1.5 hours, in order to reach the summit.


It often depends on how long the window(窗口期) for suitable climbing weather is - because mountaineers need to avoid fierce jet streams (急流,一种气象现象,指风速30m/s 以上的狭窄强风带)that would hinder (阻碍)them.

△window,这里的window来自于window of opportunity,指在特定的一段时间内,通过采取必要行动来获得某些结果,可直译成窗口期。

"If there's one week [of safe weather], then the summit isn't crowded. But sometimes, when there's only a window of two or three days, it gets very crowded".

△ 此图片来自吴劲松教授朋友圈

- Is overcrowding (过度拥挤)dangerous?

Mr Dujmovits, who reached the Everest Summit in 1992, says that long queues at the summit can be hazardous(有潜在危险的).

"When people have to wait in queues, they risk running short of(用完,缺乏) oxygen - and may not have enough oxygen left on their way down."

△ risk 不仅可以作名词,还可以作动词,risk+doing sth. 表示冒...的危险。例句:They may even risk losing their homes. 他们甚至有可能失去房子。


- Why are there 'traffic jams'?

Experts say crowds at Everest have also increased in recent years because expeditions (探险)have become more popular.

Many "traffic jams" are caused by unprepared climbers who "do not have the physical condition(身体条件)" for the journey.

This risks not only their lives, but the lives of the Sherpas taking them up the mountain.

- Is it worth reaching the summit?

Mr. Dujmovits says that, despite being exhausted(筋疲力竭的), he felt "a total release(完全释放)" when he got to the top.

However, descending(下山,下文出现的descent是名词形式) safely - even if you haven't reached the summit - is much more important, he says.

"I lost so many friends who died during the descent over the years - many accidents happen during the descent because people are just not concentrating enough anymore ."

"The real summit is actually back at base camp(大本营) - when you're back, you can really feel the enjoyment of everything you've done."



早在2013年就有珠峰拥堵的报道,登珠峰已经形成了完整的产业链,从户外公司到夏尔巴向导,从修路绳公司到天气预报公司,非常成熟。虽然小编很敬佩像吴教授这样登山爱好者的勇气和坚韧,但想想极寒的气温,缺氧的考验,漫长的征途,当然最最重要的是50万白花花的银子,还是在上海的大街小巷里开车堵堵算了... 今天的文章句型简单,生词也不多,难度我打2.5颗星,下面的词汇表记得收藏哦!






