

Emma 独到英语 2020-10-28




















On May 15, the Trump Administration placed Huawei on the Commerce Department’s Entity List, meaning American companies require a special license to do business with it. U.S. chipmakers, which together sold some $10 billion worth of components to Huawei last year alone, were obliged to follow suit.


But the firm long ago began working on cutting out its reliance on U.S. materials, producing its own semiconductor chips and working on an alternative operating system to Android.


The fifth generation of network technology arrived in the U.S. on April 3 in Chicago and Minneapolis. It would have been a banner day for American IT infrastructure, were it not for the fact that citizens of Hangzhou, Shanghai and Wuhan had all been enjoying experimental 5G networks for months.


The race to roll out 5G is the most consequential fight for global technological supremacy since the U.S. battled the Soviet Union to put a man on the moon. The winner will take home billions, if not trillions, in profits and gain a powerful seat at the table in creating the infrastructure for the next billion Internet users. And right now, it looks like the U.S. is losing.


It’s little wonder, then, that the U.S. is using its powers of persuasion to drive a wedge between Huawei and the rest of the world–not altogether successfully.


The lack of trust between the world’ s No. 1 and No. 2 economies means every other country is being forced to choose sides, based on its own interests. There can be no sitting on the fence here.


That choice might be easier if one side did not have such a clear commercial advantage.


Huawei is around 18 months ahead of rivals in rollout capacity. Its 5G base stations and wireless networking equipment are smaller and more economical to run than 4G, as well as typically 30% cheaper than rivals’. Many countries’ 4G infrastructure is already provided by Huawei, which would allow the firm to upgrade them to 5G more quickly and at lower cost than by using a competitor.


And the competition is not exactly robust. No specialist companies in the U.S. are able to roll out 5G, meaning American consumers and businesses will have to rely on Huawei’s foreign competitors, chiefly Sweden’s Ericsson or Finland’s Nokia, if the ban persists.


Yet the costs domestically could still be high. Nearly every part of the U.S. has Huawei equipment already embedded in wireless infrastructure. The rip-and-replace costs of banning Huawei wholesale would jeopardize the survival of these smaller carriers.


That means scores of rural Americans–including smalltown fire and police departments and emergency responders– might lose their cell and broadband service. The same goes for other countries.

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On May 15, the Trump Administration placed Huawei on the Commerce Department’s Entity List(美国商务部实体名单), meaning American companies require a special license(许可证) to do business with it. 

U.S. chipmakers(芯片制造商), which together sold some $10 billion worth of components to Huawei last year alone, were obliged(被迫)to follow suit(跟着做、如法炮制).


But the firm long ago began working on cutting out its reliance on(摆脱对...的依赖) U.S. materials, producing its own semiconductor chips (半导体芯片)and working on an alternative operating system to Android.

The fifth generation of network technology arrived in the U.S. on April 3 in Chicago and Minneapolis(明尼阿波利斯市). It would have been a banner day(欢天喜地的一天) for American IT infrastructure, were it not for the fact(虚拟语气,如果不是因为...) that citizens of Hangzhou, Shanghai and Wuhan had all been enjoying experimental(试验性的) 5G networks for months.

The race(竞争、比赛) to roll out(部署,rollout是名词)5G is the most consequential(重要的) fight for global technological supremacy(主导权) since the U.S. battled(与...竞争) the Soviet Union to put a man on the moon.


The winner will take home(赚回家) billions, if not trillions, in profits and gain a powerful seat at the table(占一席之地,很地道哦) in creating the infrastructure for the next billion Internet users. And right now, it looks like the U.S. is losing. 


It’s little wonder(难怪), then, that the U.S. is using its powers of persuasion(说服力) to drive a wedge between(挑拨...和...的关系) Huawei and the rest of the world – not altogether successfully. 

The lack of trust between the world’ s No. 1 and No. 2 economies means every other country is being forced to choose sides(选边站队), based on its own interests. There can be no sitting on the fence(保持中立、不表态,很地道哦) here.


That choice might be easier if one side did not have such a clear commercial advantage.


1. Huawei is around 18 months ahead of rivals in rollout capacity(部署能力). Its 5G base stations and wireless networking equipment(无线网络设备) are smaller and more economical(便宜) to run than 4G, as well as typically 30% cheaper than rivals’.

△开始讲华为5G的优势。 华为5G部署能力比竞争对手领先18个月。华为5G基站和无线网络设备相比4G还要更小更便宜,比友商的要便宜30%。

Many countries’ 4G infrastructure is already provided by Huawei, which would allow the firm to upgrade them to 5G more quickly and at lower cost than by using a competitor.


2. And the competition is not exactly robust(其实竞争也并非很激烈,言下之意是华为其实没什么像样的对手). No specialist(专业的) companies in the U.S. are able to roll out 5G, meaning American consumers and businesses will have to rely on Huawei’s foreign competitors, chiefly Sweden’s Ericsson or Finland’s Nokia, if the ban persists(如果禁令持续).

3. Yet the costs domestically could still be high. Nearly every part of the U.S. has Huawei equipment already embedded in(嵌入) wireless infrastructure. The rip-and-replace costs of banning Huawei wholesale(副词,广泛地,这里指大规模地禁用华为产品) would jeopardize(危及) the survival of  smaller carriers(手机运营商).



That means scores of(众多的) rural Americans – including smalltown fire and police departments and emergency responders(急救人员) – might lose their cell and broadband service. The same goes for(对...也是一样) other countries.



今天的文章,生词比较多,句型比较复杂,逻辑也有点绕,难度我打5颗星。华为5G技术领先全球众所周知,面对封锁和贸易保护主义的种种举措,任总表示已经做好了准备积极应对。华为, 加油!

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