

黄老师 独到英语 2020-10-28



Jeffrey Sachs是美国著名的经济学家。














China is not an enemy. Yet the Trump administration is now aiming to stop China's development, which could prove to be disastrous for both the United States and the entire world.

China is being made a scapegoat for rising inequality in the United States.


Instead of blaming China for this normal phenomenon of market competition, we should be taxing the soaring corporate profits of our own multinational corporations and using the revenues to help working-class households, rebuild crumbling infrastructure, promote new job skills and invest in cutting-edge science and technology.


China has roughly followed the same development strategy as Japan, Korea and Singapore before it. From an economic standpoint, it is not doing anything particularly unusual for a country that is playing catch up. The constant US refrain that China "steals" technologies is highly simplistic.


Technology leaders know they shouldn't count on keeping their lead through protection, but through continued innovation.


The United States relentlessly adopted British technologies in the early 19th century. And when any country wants to close a technology gap, it recruits know-how from abroad.


The US ballistic missile program, as it is well known, was built with the help of former Nazi rocket scientists recruited to the United States after World War II.


The real battle is not with China but with America's own giant companies, many of which are raking in fortunes while failing to pay their own workers decent wages.


America's business leaders and the mega-rich push for tax cuts, more monopoly power and offshoring -- anything to make a bigger profit -- while rejecting any policies to make American society fairer.


Trump is lashing out against China, ostensibly believing that it will once again bow to a Western power. It is willfully trying to crush successful companies like Huawei by changing the rules of international trade abruptly and unilaterally.


A trade war with China won't solve our economic problems. Instead we need homegrown solutions: affordable health care, better schools, modernized infrastructure, higher minimum wages and a crackdown on corporate greed.


In the process, we would also learn that we have far more to gain through cooperation with China rather than reckless and unfair provocation.

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China is not an enemy. Yet (然而) the Trump administration is now aiming to stop China's development, which could prove to be disastrous (灾难性的) for both the United States and the entire world.

China is being made a scapegoat (替罪羊) for rising inequality in the United States.


Instead of blaming China for this normal phenomenon of market competition, we should be taxing the soaring (飙升的) corporate profits of our own multinational corporations and using the revenues to help working-class households, rebuild crumbling (破败的) infrastructure, promote new job skills and invest in cutting-edge (顶尖的) science and technology.

△ crumble表示建筑等快要崩塌。例句:The high- and low-rise apartment blocks built in the 1960s are crumbling. 建于20世纪60年代的高、低层公寓楼正摇摇欲坠。 

China has roughly (基本上) followed the same development strategy as Japan, Korea and Singapore before it. 

From an economic standpoint (角度), it is not doing anything particularly unusual for a country that is playing catch up (追赶,固定搭配的短语). The constant US refrain (老调常弹) that China "steals" technologies is highly simplistic (过于简单化的).

△ refrain在这里作名词,表示反复说的话,例句:Rosa's constant refrain is that she doesn't have a life. 罗莎总是不断重复的一句话就是她生活得很无聊。refrain作名词时,也可以表示一首歌的副歌,即反复唱的那几句话。


Technology leaders know they shouldn't count on (指望,依赖) keeping their lead (lead作名词,领先地位) through protection, but through continued innovation.


The United States relentlessly (根本停不下来,不间断地) adopted (使用,采纳) British technologies in the early 19th century. And when any country wants to close a technology gap (填补缺口), it recruits (借用,招募) know-how (技能,诀窍) from abroad.


The US ballistic missile (弹道导弹) program, as it is well known, was built with the help of former Nazi (纳粹的) rocket scientists recruited to the United States after World War II.


The real battle is not with China but with America's own giant companies, many of which are raking in fortunes (捞钱) while failing to pay their own workers decent (像样的,体面的) wages.

△ rake作动词时,表示用耙子耙地,rake in引申为把财富都耙到自己口袋里。例句:The privatization allowed companies to rake in huge profits. 私有化使各公司轻易地捞到了巨额利润。


America's business leaders and the mega-rich push for (争取,推动) tax cuts, more monopoly (垄断) power and offshoring (离岸外包) -- anything to make a bigger profit -- while rejecting any policies to make American society fairer.


Trump is lashing out against (抨击) China, believing that it will once again bow to (屈服于) a Western power. 

△ bow作动词时,表示鞠躬,也可以引申为屈服,低头。例句:If she were the Queen, I would bow to her. 如果她是女王,我就会向她鞠躬。

It is willfully (任性地) trying to crush (打压) successful companies like Huawei by changing the rules of international trade abruptly (突然地) and unilaterally (单边地).


A trade war with China won't solve our economic problems. Instead we need homegrown (国内的) solutions: affordable health care, better schools, modernized infrastructure, higher minimum wages and a crackdown on (打击) corporate greed (公司的贪婪).

In the process, we would also learn that we have far more to gain through cooperation with China rather than (而不是) reckless (鲁莽的) and unfair provocation (挑衅).




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