

黄老师 独到英语 2020-10-28















△ 67岁的Sting现场演唱主题曲Shape Of My Heart

In 1994, Columbia Pictures and writer/director Luc Besson brought a hitman romance to America. It starred the noted French actor Jean Reno and a young upstart: 12-year-old Natalie Portman, who was making her film debut.


The movie was called Léon in France, but it would be renamed The Professional for American audiences and marketed as a pure action thriller. It was a thriller to be certain, but it was much much more.


Léon wasn't exactly groundbreaking when it debuted on September 14, 1994. But it contained three remarkable performances that would quickly make it one of the most-talked about films of the year.


The first belonged to Portman. Proving mature beyond her years, the little actress was a force onscreen. She displays the full range of emotions as Mathilda, a young girl who watches as her family is murdered by corrupt New York City cops.


Alone and desperate, Mathilda turns to the quiet man down the hall, Léon (Reno), who takes her in. The two form an unlikely friendship and then business partnership as Mathilda learns her neighbor is actually a professional killer and becomes his apprentice.


Reno is quietly mesmerizing as Léon, offering everything he has to take care of this orphaned girl who quickly wins his heart. But he must also protect her from her parents' killer, Stansfield (the ballistic Gary Oldman), a psychotic with a badge who wants to tie up loose ends.


Léon is just as impressive as it was in 1994. Portman's performance still stands as one of the great modern roles by a child actor. It's a testament to her talent and ferocity that Mathilda was so memorable, and it's no surprise she's still one of the best actresses working today.


It's funny to think it all started with a controversial French film that was written in a month. It's quietly become a classic modern action film, but remains a timeless tale.

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In 1994, Columbia Pictures and writer/director Luc Besson brought a hitman (杀手) romance to America. It starred (由...主演) the noted (知名的) French actor Jean Reno and a young upstart (新星): 12-year-old Natalie Portman, who was making her film debut (首次出镜).

The movie was called Léon in France, but it would be renamed The Professional for American audiences and marketed as a pure action thriller (动作惊悚片). It was a thriller to be certain, but it was much much more.

Léon wasn't exactly groundbreaking (轰动的) when it debuted (首演,作动词) on September 14, 1994. But it contained three remarkable performances that would quickly make it one of the most-talked about (最受关注的) films of the year.


The first belonged to Portman. Proving mature beyond her years (比实际年龄更成熟), the little actress was a force (重要人物) onscreen (荧幕上,副词). She displays the full range of emotions as Mathilda, a young girl who watches as her family is murdered by corrupt New York City cops (警察).


Alone and desperate, Mathilda turns to (求助于) the quiet man down the hall (走廊另一头), Léon (Reno), who takes her in (让她进去). The two form an unlikely friendship and then business partnership as Mathilda learns her neighbor is actually a professional killer and becomes his apprentice (学徒).


Reno is quietly mesmerizing (迷人的) as Léon, offering everything he has to take care of this orphaned (失去父母的) girl who quickly wins his heart. But he must also protect her from her parents' killer, Stansfield (the ballistic (暴怒的) Gary Oldman), a psychotic (疯子) with a badge (警徽) who wants to tie up loose ends (收尾,即杀人灭口).


Léon is just as impressive as it was in 1994. Portman's performance still stands as one of the great modern roles by a child actor. It's a testament  (证明) to her talent and ferocity (凶悍) that Mathilda was so memorable, and it's no surprise she's still one of the best actresses working today.

It's funny to think it all started with a controversial (有争议的) French film that was written in a month. It's quietly become a classic modern action film, but remains a timeless tale (永恒的故事).




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