
国际英语角第十五期 || 什么是社会主义女权主义?「叁」

国际同文馆 国际英语角 2023-07-03

What Is Socialist Feminism?






// 作者引:



/本文来自:Jacobin 2018/7/30 (有删减)(图片来源于网络)

本文于1976年首次出现在Win杂志上,随后又收录于新美国运动(New American Movement)时期关于社会主义和女权主义的论文中。本文为Ehrenreich女士在Jacobin杂志上的再版。



We are coming out of a kind of feminism and a kind of Marxism whose interests quite naturally flow together. I think we are in a position now to see why it is that socialist feminism has been so mystified: the idea of socialist feminism is a great mystery or paradox, so long as what you mean by socialism is really what I have called “mechanical Marxism” and what you mean by feminism is an ahistorical kind of radical feminism. These things just don’t add up; they have nothing in common.


But if you put together another kind of socialism and another kind of feminism, as I have tried to define them, you do get some common ground, and that is one of the most important things about socialist feminism today. It is a space free from the constrictions of a truncated kind of feminism and a truncated version of Marxism — in which we can develop the kind of politics that addresses the political/economic/cultural totality of monopoly capitalist society. We could only go so far with the available kinds of feminism, the conventional kind of Marxism, and then we had to break out to something that is not so restrictive and incomplete in its view of the world. We had to take a new name, “socialist feminism,” in order to assert our determination to comprehend the whole of our experience and to forge a politics that reflects the totality of that comprehension.


2019 Women's march in New York and Vancouver

January 19th. 2019

However, I don’t want to leave socialist feminist theory as a “space” or a common ground. Things are beginning to grow in that “ground.” We are closer to a synthesis in our understanding of sex and class, capitalism and male domination, than we were a few years ago. Here I will indicate only very sketchily one such line of thinking:



1.[C,U] something that has been made by combining different things, or the process of combining things综合物;综合体;综合

2.[U] the act of making a chemical or biological substance〔化学或生物学物质的〕合成

3.[U] the production of sounds, speech, or music electronically〔用电子方式对声音、语音或音乐的〕合成

1.The Marxist/feminist understanding that class and sex domination rest ultimately on force is correct, and this remains the most devastating critique of sexist/capitalist society. But there is a lot to that “ultimately.” In a day-to-day sense, most people acquiesce to sex and class domination without being held in line by the threat of violence, and often without even the threat of material deprivation.

1. 马克思主义/女权主义关于阶级统治和性别统治根本上源于暴力的理解是正确的,这仍然是对性别歧视/资本主义社会最强有力的批判。但所谓的“最根本的”还有很多。从日常意义上说,大多数人因没有被统括于暴力的威胁中,甚至往往没有受到物质剥夺的威胁,便默认了性别和阶级统治。


1.badly damaging or destroying something毁灭性的,破坏力极强的

2.making someone feel extremely sad or shocked令人悲痛的;令人震惊的,骇人的

3.very impressive or effective惊人的;强有力的

2.It is very important, then, to figure out what it is, if not the direct application of force, that keeps things going. In the case of class, a great deal has been written already about why the US working class lacks militant class consciousness. Certainly ethnic divisions, especially the black/white division, are a key part of the answer. But I would argue, in addition to being divided, the working class has been socially atomized. Working-class neighborhoods have been destroyed and are allowed to decay; life has become increasingly privatized and inward-looking; skills once possessed by the working class have been expropriated by the capitalist class; and capitalist-controlled “mass culture” has edged out almost all indigenous working-class culture and institutions. Instead of collectivity and self-reliance as a class, there is mutual isolation and collective dependency on the capitalist class.


atomize:vt. 使分裂为原子;将…喷成雾状;使遭受原子弹轰炸;vi. 分裂

3.The subjugation of women, in the ways which are characteristic of late capitalist society, has been key to this process of class atomization. To put it another way, the forces which have atomized working-class life and promoted cultural/material dependence on the capitalist class are the same forces which have served to perpetuate the subjugation of women. It is women who are most isolated in what has become an increasingly privatized family existence (even when they work outside the home too).It is, in many key instances, women's skills (productive skills, healing, midwifery, etc.) which have been discredited or banned to make way for commodities. It is, above all, women who are encouraged to be utterly passive/uncritical/dependent (i.e. “feminine”) in the face of the pervasive capitalist penetration of private life. Historically, late capitalist penetration of working-class life has singled out women as prime targets of pacification/”feminization” — because women are the culture-bearers of their class.


4. It follows that there is a fundamental interconnection between women’s struggle and what is traditionally conceived as class struggle. Not all women’s struggles have an inherently anticapitalist thrust (particularly not those which seek only to advance the power and wealth of special groups of women), but all those which build collectivity and collective confidence among women are vitally important to the building of class consciousness. Conversely, not all class struggles have an inherently anti-sexist thrust (especially not those that cling to pre-industrial patriarchal values), but all those which seek to build the social and cultural autonomy of the working class are necessarily linked to the struggle for women’s liberation.


This, in very rough outline, is one direction which socialist feminist analysis is taking. No one is expecting a synthesis to emerge which will collapse socialist and feminist struggle into the same thing. The capsule summaries I gave earlier retain their “ultimate” truth: there are crucial aspects of capitalist domination (such as racial oppression) which a purely feminist perspective simply cannot account for or deal with — without bizarre distortions, that is. There are crucial aspects of sex oppression (such as male violence within the family) which socialist thought has little insight into — again, not without a lot of stretching and distortion. Hence the need to continue to be socialists and feminists. But there is enough of a synthesis, both in what we think and what we do for us to begin to have a self-confident identity as socialist feminists.


bizarre:adj. 奇异的(指态度,容貌,款式等)

点击图片拓展阅读:《属于99%人群的女权主义:一个宣言》(Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto)

全 文 终


[1] 译者注:“late capitalist society”在常见书籍或文章中一般译作“晚期资本主义社会”,但译者认为“晚近资本主义社会”更为准确。

[2] 译者注:此处强调社会主义斗争和女权主义斗争的也具有差异性。







