
英国BBC | 五菱宏光mini EV登顶中国销量榜冠军,是Tesla的近2倍!

柳州市委外宣办 柳州朋友圈 2023-12-02


日前,BBC(英国广播公司)刊发英文报道《Chinese £3,200 budget electric car takes on Tesla(中国3200英镑廉价电动车迎战特斯拉)》。报道称,最新的销量数据显示,五菱宏光mini EV在中国的销量已经是特斯拉的两倍。

Chinese £3,200 budget electric car takes on Tesla


By Justin Harper

Business reporter, BBC News

A budget electric vehicle (EV) selling in China for $4,500 (£3,200) is now outselling Tesla's more upmarket cars.一款售价4500美元(3200英镑)的廉价电动汽车(EV)目前的销量超过了更高端的汽车特斯拉。The compact car is proving a big hit for state-owned SAIC Motor, China's top automaker.……The Hong Guang Mini EV is being built as part of a joint venture with US car giant General Motors (GM).作为与美国汽车巨头通用汽车(generalmotors)合资企业的一部分……Last month sales of the budget electric car in China were around double those of Tesla, which was questioned this month over safety issues there.上个月(1月),这款廉价电动车在中国的销量是特斯拉(Tesla)的两倍左右,……While the $4,500 Hong Guang Mini is the most popular model, there is an upgraded one with air conditioning for just over $5,000. The cars are being marketed as "the people's commuting tool".虽然售价4500美元的宏光Mini是最受欢迎的车型,但有一款升级版的带有空调的车型,售价仅为5000多美元。这些汽车被宣传为“人民的代步车”。The joint venture partnership, SAIC-GM-Wuling, is known as Wuling locally.合资企业上汽通用五菱在当地被称为五菱。Car experts have said that while it clearly lags well behind Tesla when it comes to its battery, range and performance, its convenience and low price have made it one of China's bestselling "new-energy" vehicles.汽车专家曾表示,虽然在电池、续航里程和性能方面明显落后于特斯拉,但其便利性和低廉的价格使其成为中国最畅销的“新能源”汽车之一。Having launched last year, the basic model has a top speed of 100km/h (62mph) and can accommodate four people at a squeeze.去年推出的这款基本车型最高时速为100公里/小时(62英里/小时),一次可容纳4人。"China's government is serious about pollution reduction and becoming the global lead in adopting and promoting innovation of electric vehicles," Shaun Rein, managing director of the China Market Research Group, told the BBC.中国市场研究集团(China Market Research Group)董事总经理肖恩•雷恩(Shaun Rein)对BBC表示:“中国政府非常重视减少污染,成为采用和推动电动汽车创新的全球领导者。”。"We remain very bullish on the adoption of budget EVs like the Hong Guang Mini to higher end ones like NIO and Tesla."“我们仍然非常看好像宏光Mini这样的经济型电动汽车,以及像NIO和特斯拉这样的高端电动汽车。”To promote EVs, the Chinese government offers license plates for free and they are guaranteed. In many cities, it can take months, if not years, to get a license plate for a petrol engine through various auction systems.为了推广电动汽车,中国政府在车辆上牌方面给予倾斜。在中国一些城市,人民通过各种拍卖系统获得汽油发动机的牌照可能需要几个月甚至几年的时间。

Taking on Tesla 迎战特斯拉

The Hong Guang Mini EV saw sales of 112,000 for the second half of 2020, ranking second behind Tesla's Model 3 which are made in its Shanghai factory.2020年下半年,宏光微型电动车的销量为11.2万辆,仅次于特斯拉在上海工厂生产的Model 3。Earlier this month five Chinese regulators summoned Tesla over quality and safety issues at its plant. China is Tesla's largest market after the US.……For January, Hong Guang Mini sales outstripped Tesla almost two-to-one. It is now believed to be the second-best-selling electric model worldwide behind the Model 3.今年1月,宏光Mini在中国的销量几乎是特斯拉的两倍。它现在被认为是仅次于Model3的全球第二畅销电动车型。The tiny, all-electric EV sold 25,778 models in China in January according to the China Passenger Car Association (CPCA). This compares to 13,843 for the Tesla Model 3.据中国乘用车协会(CPCA)统计,今年1月,这款微型全电动电动车在中国销售了25778款。相比之下,特斯拉Model 3为13843辆。But high-end electric vehicles have still been performing well with Tesla more than doubling its sales volume in China last year.但高端电动汽车的表现依然不错,特斯拉去年在中国销量翻了一番多。The Model 3 sells for about $39,000 (£27,000) in China factoring in price cuts due to its local production.考虑到当地生产的降价因素,Model3在中国的售价约为3.9万美元(2.7万英镑)。The Hong Guang Mini EV could make an appearance outside China, as Wuling has said it plans to export the EV overseas.由于五菱已表示计划向海外出口,宏光微型电动车可能会在中国境外亮相。"China has so many makers of small and cheap electric vehicles, however most of them are low-quality and low-speed products that do not appeal to a wide market, said Sam Fiorani, at Auto Forecast Solutions.汽车预测解决方案公司(autoforecast Solutions)的萨姆•菲奥拉尼(Sam Fiorani)表示:“中国有这么多小型廉价电动汽车制造商,但大多数都是低质量、低速的产品,无法吸引广泛的市场。"The Hong Guang Mini is the first time a major company has stepped up with a simple EV that targets buyers looking for a real car."“宏光Mini是第一次有大公司推出一款简单的电动汽车,目标客户是寻找真正的汽车。”Reports have linked Wuling to a Latvian automaker who could sell a version of the car in Europe. However, the price is likely to be twice as high due to European environmental requirements.有报道称,五菱与一家拉脱维亚汽车制造商合作,后者可能在欧洲销售五菱的一款车型。不过,由于欧盟的相关标准,价格可能会高出一倍。

△ 上述信息来自英国BBC,借助百度翻译,不代表本微信观点


据@盖世汽车3月2日消息,今年1月,五菱宏光MINIEV共售出36,762辆,连续第7个月创下销量新纪录,也得益于此,该款车终于结束了连续几个月的“陪跑”,以逾1.5万辆的领先优势打败特斯拉Model 3,首次赢得全球电动车月度销量冠军的宝座。特斯拉旗下Model 3、Model Y则分列第二、第三名。









