
REDO成为中国大陆第52家B Corp共益企业



REDO获得了B Corps认证!




We are very proud to announce that through a year and a half of sustained effort, REDO has been certified by B Corps! Becoming the 52nd B corporation.This is a milestone achievement that signifies our relentless pursuit of social and environmental responsibility.

B Corps 是一种特殊类型的企业,它们不仅追求经济利润,还致力于产生积极的社会和环境影响。B Corps认证由B Lab共益实验室颁发,该认证对企业的社会和环境绩效进行评估,并确保企业符合高标准的社会和环境责任。获得B Corps认证的企业必须通过严格的评估,包括对企业治理、员工福利、社区参与和环境可持续性等方面的评估。获得认证的企业被视为在商业和社会之间取得了平衡,并被认可为更加综合考虑了利益相关方的利益。

B Corps are a special type of business that seeks not only financial profit, but also a commitment to positive social and environmental impact.The B Corps certification, awarded by B Lab, evaluates a business's social and environmental performance and ensures that it meets high standards of social and environmental responsibility. Businesses that achieve B Corps Certification must pass a rigorous assessment that includes evaluations of corporate governance, employee well-being, community involvement and environmental sustainability. Certified companies are seen as striking a balance between business and society, and are recognized for taking a more integrated approach to stakeholder interests.

自2020年成立以来,REDO一直致力于可持续发展。我们不断创新,认识到可持续发展不仅涉及环境,还包括社会和经济方面。将ESG理念与B Corps的要求相结合,我们深刻理解企业对环境、员工、供应商和社区的影响,以及公司管理方法和框架的重要性。这种理念的契合促使我们毅然选择加入B Corps,并与其他成员一起共同发展可持续力量。


加入B Corp社区不仅仅是一个标志的认证,更代表着我们与其他志同道合的企业一起,推动商业实践的转变,共同为构建可持续的未来做出贡献。

Since its inception in 2020, REDO has been committed to sustainable development. We continue to innovate, recognizing that sustainability is not only about the environment, but also includes social and economic aspects. Combining the ESG philosophy with the requirements of B Corps, we have a deep understanding of the impact of business on the environment, employees, suppliers and communities, as well as the importance of a company's management approach and framework. This philosophical fit motivated us to make the decision to join B Corps and work with other members to develop sustainable power.

Through sustainable exhibition and display design, we have worked on a range of projects with a number of partners to actively promote green living and communicate the importance of sustainability to communities and customers. Through the development of sustainable materials and products, we promote waste treatment and recycling, reduce our reliance on natural resources, and propose new solutions to reduce carbon emissions. With sustainable art installations, we create public awareness through art.

Joining the B Corp community is more than just a seal of approval, it is a way for us to join with other like-minded companies to drive a shift in business practices and contribute to a sustainable future.

B Corps 它们不仅只是追求经济利润,还致力于产生积极的社会和环境影响。获得B Corps认证的企业必须通过严格的评估,首先,BIA评估过程要求公司达到高标准的社会和环境绩效,通过严格的审查程序。只有获得80分及以上的评分,才能申请认证。

其次,B Corp认证是一个整体性的认证体系,要求企业在多个方面展现出卓越表现,包括环境、员工、社区、客户、治理这五个方面。这需要整个公司的团队和各个部门的参与,而不仅仅是管理层的责任。

B Corps They go beyond the pursuit of economic profit and are committed to having a positive social and environmental impact. Companies that are certified as B Corps must pass a rigorous assessment. First, the BIA assessment process requires companies to meet high standards of social and environmental performance through a rigorous review process. Only those who receive a score of 80 and above can apply for certification.

Secondly, B Corp certification is a holistic certification system that requires companies to demonstrate excellence in a number of areas, including the five areas of environment, employees, community, customers, and governance. This requires the involvement of teams and departments throughout the company, not just the responsibility of management.

在获证背后,是我们坚持可持续发展的故事。我们汲取B Corp的共益理念,将其融入主导的ESG板块。

Behind the certification is the story of our commitment to sustainability. We draw on B Corp's philosophy of co-benefits and incorporate it into our leading ESG segment.

而我们也很荣幸参与了B Corps的共益创新桌游的共创,REDO使用可持续材料制作了专属的游戏工具包桌游的各个部件特意采用了再生材料设计而成。例如,回收PE塑料和建筑垃圾的石头粉被用来制造游戏的组件。我们还使用可再生的植物资源,比如玉米淀粉原料制成的聚乳胶(PLA),并通过3D打印技术进行塑型。此外,我们采用循环使用废弃的广告布和FSC认证纸张,以及使用大豆油墨进行印刷,以尽可能减少对环境的影响。

We were also honored to participate in the creation of the B Corps' Building Better Business boardgame, where REDO created an exclusive game kit using sustainable materials. For example, recycled PE plastic and stone powder from construction waste are used to make the components of the game. We also use renewable plant resources, such as PLA made from raw corn starch, which is molded through 3D printing technology. In addition, we use recycled discarded advertising cloth and FSC-certified paper, as well as printing with soy-based inks to minimize our impact on the environment.


With respect to the environment, we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint by developing and applying recycled materials and designing sustainable modular spaces that allow for multiple recycling of components within the space. We are also committed to providing our customers with high quality products and services, and advocate the efficient use of energy in environmental programs to reduce our environmental impact.


And in the community, we actively link up with the community to conduct environmental workshops. With fun and interesting handicrafts, we call on the community to reduce waste through circular economy and waste utilization. By integrating sustainability into our lives, we work together to promote the sustainable development and prosperity of the community. It also encourages employees to participate in environmental interactions in the community to enhance their understanding of sustainability and learning through fun co-creation experiences, and has established a transparent and effective governance structure to ensure stakeholder participation and a balance of environmental interests.

我们承诺与其他B Corps认证的企业一起合作,共同推动全球可持续发展的进程。通过以这五个维度为基准,在商业和社会之间建立更加均衡和可持续的关系,为未来创造更美好的世界。

We are committed to working with other B Corps-certified businesses to advance global sustainability. By benchmarking these five dimensions, we will create a more balanced and sustainable relationship between business and society and create a better world for the future.













Contact Us:


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B603, Room 12, Tianhui Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China


