Vegan&肉类工业 | Vegan Vs Meat Industry
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For more than a decade, studies have piled on exhorting people to eat less beef for environmental and health reasons. By some measures, agriculture accounts for more global greenhouse gas emissions than transport, thanks in part to livestock production.
肉类替代品的兴起可能会开始削减牛肉的生计,如果最近牛奶的下降是上了个课的话。在不到十年的时间里,替代品从天而降,从传统牛奶中窃取了大量的市场份额,这一转变促成了巨头迪恩食品公司(Dean Foods Co.)申请破产。如今,牛奶替代品占据了13%的市场份额。
The rise of meat alternatives could start cutting into beef’s livelihood if the recent decline of milk is any lesson. In less than a decade, alternatives came out of nowhere to steal significant market share from conventional cow’s milk, a shift that contributed to the bankruptcy filing of behemoth Dean Foods Co. Today, milk alternatives account for 13% of the market.
The Beef Industry was also not happy about the Golden Globe going Vegan.
几家媒体网站援引美国养牛人牛肉协会(National Cattlemen’s Beef Association)的话说,他们在美国养牛的方式是可持续的,而且该行业的碳足迹比全球竞争对手低10至50倍。并且他们还表示:
Quoted by several media sites, the National Cattlemen's Beef Association claims that their American herds are raised in a sustainable fashion and that the industry has a carbon footprint 10 to 50 times lower than rival global producers. They are also quoted as saying:
"If all livestock in the U.S. were eliminated and every American followed a vegan diet, greenhouse-gas emissions would only drop by 2.6%"
Their quote is based on a study done by the National Academy of Sciences.
[We are trying to find this study.]
以植物为基础的生活方式的增长不一定是肉类工业的损失。例如,泰森食品,世界第二大鸡肉、牛肉和猪肉加工商,是Beyond Meat的早期支持者,但现在有了自己的植物品牌。其他公司也纷纷效仿。
Growth in Plant-Based Living does not have to be a loss for the meat industry. For example, Tyson Foods, the world's second-largest processor and marketer of chicken, beef, and pork - was an early backer of Beyond Meat but now has a dedicated plant-based brand of its own. Other companies are following suit, too.
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