4/20 · 3F | 远东之狮:雷鬼之夜
4/20 · 3F
4月20日,雷鬼乐的音符和反拍将在SYSTEM响起,Jado和Noodle D让我们不自觉跟着音乐摇晃,来自加拿大的Dubshottas将在巴比伦的中心点燃雷鬼的火焰。
Noodle D
Jado 雷鬼乐团远东之狮和丛林勇士活动的创始人,过去 12 年是中国雷鬼界的重要推手。雷鬼生涯早年频繁参加地下 freestyle battle 多次夺冠,并被选进红牛学院。这些年间与许多国际间重量级的艺人合作,包括 DJ Kentaro , Top Cat, Tippa Irie, Brother Culture, General Levy, General Huge, CongoNatty;表演过的的雷鬼场域和音乐节从中国各地到牙买加,英国,越南,及菲律宾。他独特的中文/牙买加式英语的融合 Flow 使他的表演不仅在中国,放在整个雷鬼世界也是独一无二。
Jado, founder of Far East Lion reggae group and Jungle Warriors events, is a major player in China’s Reggae scene for the last 12 years. In his early years, he competed and won many championships in the underground freestyle battles and was selected for RBMA at Redbull College. Through the years he has worked with international artists such as DJ Kentaro, Top Cat, Tippa Irie, Brother Culture, General Levy, General Huge, and CongoNatty; performed in major festivals and reggae scenes all across China and as far as Jamaica, UK, Vietnam, and Philippines. His unique Chinese / Jamaican English fusion fow made his performance not only unique to China’s underground scene but also to the world of Reggae.
Noodle D
在Reggae音乐方面,Noodle D从小受到来自国内传奇雷鬼艺术家Jado(Far East Lion)的影响,对Ska, Roots Dancehall、 Steppas、着迷并有着自己的理解,始终在努力寻找突破界限,想要尝试传递出独一无二的能量直达舞池深处。
Noodle D, born and raised in Shanghai, has been constantly immersed in underground music & culture and gradually established himself with his own music tastes and attitude towards life. Since childhood, Noodle has been influenced by the legendary reggae artist Jado (Far East Lion). Fascinated by Ska, Roots Dancehall/Steppas, he builds his own understanding of music, trying to find a breakthrough and pass his unique energy straight to the dance floor.
Dubshottas sound, DJ Robsensei 来自加拿大多伦多,自上世纪90年代起就开始涉足雷鬼音乐,从事雷鬼音乐推广并与来自牙买加、日本和加拿大的艺人合作。2012年,Robsensei 来到中国上海,开始了 DJ 生涯。他与 Popasuda 和 Shanghai Dancehall合作,并将 Biggaton, Warrior King, Sami from Mighty Crown, Steppa Style 和 Mr williams 等国际艺术家邀请到上海。Dubshottas Sound 的风格以 foundationvibes 为主,混以 Dancehall 和一小部分的 dubplates。
Dj Robsensei got his start in Toronto, Canada, and began pursuing a Dj career in Asia in 2013. He has played all over China, Thailand, and The Phillippines, and has promoted events for Jamaican artists in Asia.
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