他山之石 | 沉默着创作,创作中认识生活
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This next poem was written by an eleven-year-old in response to reading and listening to Vasco Popa’s poem ‘Just come to my mind’ (to be found in Geoffrey Summerfield’s anthology Junior Voices, the Fourth Book 1970):
That full stop at the end of line 7 is in a significant place, and should make us pause when we too readily decide to correct children’s punctuation. It stands for the long silence the child experienced as she reflected on her anger and what had happened as a result of it. The lines ‘that was all/right then/it was all/back to/together/again’ are a plea that this might be so, almost a prayer. The shape of the poem shows us that the child knows something about poems—that they vary in structure and so on—and I think it is best left as it is, a knife-shaped prayer.
We know plenty about children’s tantrums and anger from our own adult point of view. This writer offers us an opportunity to explore the same subject from the child’s angle. If I emphasise learning throughout this book, I want to make it clear that often that learning isn’t only the child-writer’s, but ours, too.
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Hannah was ten when she wrote this:
My box is lined like ships of gold yet any other person would think it was old and scruffy and made from wasteful card. No my box is made from dreams, it sits there whispering. I wonder what’s inside.
I take my box to a special place under the stairs. When it’s there it opens on its own.White streaks of silver glitter, then it goes back and there inside is my own favourite dream.
Also in my box are three cold colours coughing and spluttering. In my box they’re floating and fluttering in their own season according to the colour.
In my box I have three specks of dust from the dusty dry paths of Hungary, not from the great tourist town, but from the hands of labourers.
In my box there has been a great worry storm which has washed away my dream and place a nightmare and it’s destroying my box.
The lid of the box closes and it vanishes. The box was killed by the nightmare. The lid has slammed with the sound of cymbals.
The question for us as teachers of children trying to write poems is, how to get that surface primed. Henry is a friend of mine with a passion for poetry and what it can teach. We often share thoughts about it, and reactions to our work in the classroom. I watched as Henry worked with a group of ten-year-olds, using an autocratic way of getting them prepared for inspiration. First, he asked the children to close their eyes and cover them with their hands.
In the silences that we as teachers sometimes impose, objects are made on which the makers—the children, the writers—can reflect. I don’t mean (it should be needless to say) silences imposed for mere disciplinary or administrative purposes. I mean those silences which set children free to think; thus reflecting on more than that object; reflecting, for example,happily or otherwise, on their world, and how the world is to them, and (who knows?) God. Poetry, on the other hand, starts in the silence and reaches forward.
It was during a session on this exercise that a girl told me that‘There is no box in my head’. I replied, after some thought, never having been told this before:‘That’s your first line, then’. She looked at me for a moment, and expressionlessly wrote the line down. Later I went back and looked over her shoulder. She shifted her book so that I could read:
…and if there was one it would be dark…everything in my box is hidden.In the dark corners there might be my family, I don’t know for sure…
This child is spending valuable time and emotional energy exploring her own nature.
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Children learn about themselves through the writing of poetry. They can examine their own bodies, hands, feet, eyes, brows; they can reflect on what their six favourite words are. They can look at, or dream up, or reflect on a box in their heads; they can (exposing their fantasies) lie, and they can boast. They can meditate on their emotions. They probably, at times, need to be quiet for ‘a long, long time’. They can reflect, almost prayerfully, and at least meditatively, on what the beginning of their perfect worlds might be like. They can reflect on their autobiographies. But also, they can learn about their world.
西部某普通高校青椒一枚,兼职口笔译译员,心中有山海、有情怀,相信诗歌中有爱、有远方,更希望通过自己的微薄之力能给山区的孩子带来一点光。 |
校对 | 柳丝
编辑 | Halona
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[他山之石] MARTIANS 火星人:用陌生的视角看熟悉的世界
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