
Non-local cars banned from Beijing's 2nd Ring Road 北京二环将全天禁行外地车

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Traffic jam at Beijing's Second Ring Road. 

From August 14th, vehicles not registered in Beijing will be prohibited from driving on 22 routes and the Second Ring Road, a highway encircling the center of the capital.

Drivers violating the restriction will be fined 100 yuan.

Since November 27th, 2015, non-local vehicles have been banned from 13 routes and the Second Ring Road from 6AM to 10PM.

To further alleviate traffic congestion, the Beijing Traffic Management Bureau has made the restriction even stricter by increasing the number of restricted routes and extending the period from 16 hours to 24 hours.

8月14日起 北京二环主路将全天禁止外地车通行



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