
Regulator bans companies using weird names 新规禁止企业注册过长、怪异的名称

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People browse merchandise at a clothing store in Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street in Guangzhou, Guangdong province.

Authorities in China have issued rules that prevent businesses from registering overly long or bizarre company names, online outlet Sixth Tone reported.


China's State Administration for Industry and Commerce stated in a list of 33 guidelines that the use of entire phrases or paragraphs as company names was no longer permissible, Sixth Tone said. The guidelines were implemented by regulators over the weekend, the website said.

Company names that will likely no longer make the cut under the rules include "There is a Group of Young People with Dreams, Who Believe They Can Make the Wonders of Life Under the Leadership of Uncle Niu Internet Technology Co. Ltd," a condom company which went viral on Chinese social media for its lengthy name, according to Sixth Tone.


Entrepreneurs in the country have in the past registered their companies under rather interesting names, such as "King of Nanning, Guangxi, and His Friends Trading Co. Ltd" and "Beijing Under My Wife's Thumb Technology Co. Ltd.," Sixth Tone said.


The rules also banned the registration of names that referenced terrorism and extremism, as well as those that attempted to mimic the names of already-registered businesses. Using the names of former leaders who had passed on, such as Mao Zedong, in company names was also not allowed as that could be misleading, the guidelines said.


Although banning Chinese corporations from choosing odd company names might appear benign, the move plays out against the backdrop of authorities tightening regulations across a broad range of areas. 




由于过去在申请上并没有字数限制,部分中国企业名称甚至有过于冗长的情况,其中一家公司甚至有长达 39 个字的全名:“宝鸡有一群怀揣着梦想的少年相信在牛大叔的带领下会创造生命的奇迹网络科技有限公司”。

或许是希望企业名称能更“正常化”,中国工商总局近日颁布了《企业名称禁限用规则》,第 33 条也特别针对过长或离奇的名称注册。该条例写着:企业名称应该由两个以上符合规范的汉字组成,不得使用语句、句群或段落做为公司名称。


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