
Huawei to launch own OS this year. What 's OS?


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Huawei Technologies Co. said that it may launch a self-developed operating system later this year as the tech giant steps up efforts to enhance in-house software capabilities to offset the fallout from US restrictions.

Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei's consumer business group, said that the company's own operating system will be available "as early as this fall or next spring at the latest."

The comments came after Google said it would partially cut off Huawei devices from its Android operating system. As part of the latest development, the US government said on Tuesday that it could delay its ban on American technology exports to Huawei, but the move will give its existing devices access to Android for 90 days.

"Huawei's own operating system will be compatible with all Android and all web applications. If the Android apps are recompiled, their running performance can be improved by more than 60%," Yu said in a WeChat group involving some internet experts.

According to him, the new operating system will be able to support mobile phones, computers, tablets, televisions, cars and smart wearable devices.



在5月21日,据华为消费者业务CEO余承东透露称,华为OS操作系统最早于今年秋天面市,最晚于明年春天面市。这套系统打通了手机、电脑、平板、电视、汽车和智能穿戴等设备,统一成一个操作系统,兼容全部安卓应用和所有Web应用。如果安卓应用重新编译,在这套操作系统上运行性能将提升超过 60%。余承东还表示,这是面向未来的“微内核”。



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