
Regulation on emissions control in Beijing, Tianjin 机动车排放条例5月施行


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Lawmakers in Beijing have voted through a regulation to further control the emissions of automobiles and non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) at the annual session of the municipal people's congress which concluded Friday.
The regulation will take effect on May 1.
Yu Jianhua, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau, said coal-smoke pollution has been sharply reduced, and vehicle and NRMM emissions have become the primary source of PM2.5 in the city.

NRMM is defined in the regulation as mobile machinery equipped with engine and transportable industrial equipment used in engineering, agriculture, material handling and airport ground service.

Beijing had 6.36 million registered automobiles by the end of 2019, with about 30,000 trucks coming in every day from outside the city, as well as 40,000 to 60,000 NRMMs for long-term use.

Motor vehicles with emissions exceeding the standard level will be blacklisted, and particular makes and models with high emissions rates will be traced to their manufacturers, Yu said.

Similar regulations adopted by neighboring Hebei province and Tianjin municipality will also take effect on May 1.
北京机动车排放条例通过 5月1日起施行

京津冀三地协同立法 今年5月同步实施
为贯彻落实《京津冀协同发展规划纲要》,京津冀三地将对机动车超标排放进行协同监管和执法,非道路移动机械也将统一登记管理。就在19日,天津市第十七届人民代表大会第三次会议也表决通过了《天津市机动车和非道路移动机械排放污染防治条例》。此次协同立法,完善了京津冀区域协同治理的措施,建立了三地机动车超标排放信息共享平台,通过区域会商、信息共享、联合执法等方式,协同监管。 三地已经协商,条例的实施日期均为今年的5月1日

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