
What Entrepreneurial Lessons Can We Learn from the Virus?

IMC国际传媒 BusinessTianjin 2021-10-15
News and write-ups about businesses being on the brink of a financial crisis are frightening for employees who will soon have to face a negative impact on their lives. If there is any consolation in this trying time, here are some lessons you can learn from the COVID-19 outbreak. 本次新冠疫情给企业带来的思考

If you are an entrepreneur, you can surely attest that losing profit and shutting down your business during this virus outbreak is not a joke but rather a nightmare you wish to end.

The effects of the coronavirus pandemic have hit businesses globally. With so many companies closing and being put on hold, a bankruptcy filing is urgent and critical for many. If this is not possible, laying off employees and putting them on leave without pay becomes a painful option.

At this moment, people in different parts of the world are in home isolation, and lockdown mandates are being issued by many governments. In this period of uncertainty, wise decisions are needed to save your business, allow you to survive until the outbreak passes, and keep you from liquidating assets to cover your payables and obligations.



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