
The Art of Detail, Warmth and Service 雕琢细节,热情好客,秉承贴心的待客艺术之道

IMC国际传媒 BusinessTianjin 2021-10-08

A unique conversation with 

Jisoo Chon

General Manager

The Peninsula Shanghai

专访Jisoo Chon


The Peninsula Shanghai is a beacon of luxury hospitality on the city’s iconic riverfront promenade, and offers extraordinary facilities that harmonize exquisite Art Deco-inspired interiors with contemporary comforts, world-class service and critically acclaimed Michelin star-rated restaurants, making it a unique place to stay. Since its doors opened in 2009, The Peninsula Shanghai has been recognized each year by prestigious magazines and awards organizers as one of the world’s best hotels.
Behind this outstanding, seamless service lies a wealth of planning and hard work, overseen by the General Manager Jisoo Chon, whose commitment to The Peninsula Hotels spans more than a decade. We had the honour of talking to Mr. Jisoo Chon about his experiences during these challenging times, and learning more about his success in running this prestigious hotel.
上海半岛酒店于2009年开业,是半岛酒店集团在中国大陆的旗舰店。上海半岛酒店雄踞标志性的上海外滩,是奢华酒店业的指明灯。拥有良好设施,高水准的服务以及两个米其林餐厅的上海半岛酒店,其室内设计完美体现了Art Deco装饰派艺术与当代舒适完美融合的风采。开业至今,酒店荣获一系列国内外知名机构和刊物的嘉奖。
总经理Jisoo Chon 田志秀 先生在半岛酒店工作了十多年,这项卓越、优质服务的背后,蕴含着他丰富的规划和辛勤的工作。我们专访了Jisoo Chon 田志秀先生,了解他在这个充满挑战的时代的经历和心得。

We would love to hear about your journey. Can you share your story with us? What made you pursue a career in the hospitality industry? What attracts you the most?

I was lucky enough to switch careers when I was in my late 20s. I graduated with an engineering degree and found a secure job. But one day at my desk, I questioned myself over and over as to what makes people happy. That was the turning point in my life; I took on a new job for an airline, and then shortly after, joined the hotel industry. The hotel industry is full of surprises and challenges, and is very dynamic. These are some of the main reasons why I decided to join the industry, and I’ve never looked back since then.

What is behind any successful person from your point of view? Experience, education, attitude, hardworking spirit, attention to details, team work…

Well, it appears that you are very well versed in the hotel industry and you have already mentioned a number of traits that we look for in our employees. In my opinion, in addition to the traits you have mentioned, which are very important in many industries, including ours, I would have to emphasize that being respectful and compassionate are two additional qualities we would look for in our industry. We are in the business of people serving people, and as in any human interaction, I believe being respectful and compassionate helps one to succeed in our industry.

Please tell us about one of the most challenging situations, such as COVID-19, that you have experienced in your career, and how you successfully overcame it.

As many of my generation would have done, I experienced the September 11 attack in New York City, the financial crisis of 2008 in Chicago, and now the pandemic, which has turned out to be the most challenging situation I have faced thus far. As in any emergency situation, it is extremely important to stay focused and calm, and rely on facts. Then one needs to ensure that you always plan a few steps ahead on how to navigate the situation. And the most important factor in successfully overcoming challenging situations such as the pandemic is to care for and protect your staff, and make sure they have a sense of belonging during the difficult times. At the end, when the business bounces back, your employees are the ones who will be at the forefront in promoting your brand.

Please tell us a bit about The Peninsula Hospitality––the brand, the spirit and the way to make the best service appear to be the simplest thing to do.

The Peninsula has been in the hospitality industry for more than 150 years, and our history started right here in Shanghai. All of us at The Peninsula Shanghai have a very deep emotional pride in representing one of the best hotel companies in the world in the city where the magic of The Peninsula started. In addition, The Peninsula’s service is founded on the art of attending to detail, emotion, personalization, innovation, consistency, generosity and service. To me, the combination of our pride in our brand along with our service philosophy allows us to provide meticulous yet discreet service to all our guests.

What responsibilities and duties do you find to be the most challenging in your job as the General Manager in one of the best hotels in the world?

I would say the most challenging yet rewarding part of my job is being the mentor and sounding board for many of our young staff members. Many of us comment on how we view our younger generation, but I believe that when we were young, we were also viewed with a different outlook by our parents’ generation. I firmly believe in passing down the art of hospitality to our younger hoteliers. We must listen to their needs, ideas and concerns with empathy, so that we build a strong foundation for them to continue our tradition for many years to come.


Hospitality and tourism has become a very competitive industry today. Where do you think The Peninsula Shanghai stands in this competition?

It is obvious that hygiene, security and flexibility are the most important factors travellers consider these days when choosing a hotel. As I am giving this interview, we have just completed applying anti-viral coating in our heavy traffic public areas. The Peninsula is known for its cleanliness, and now, more than ever, we are placing heavier emphasis on this factor. Also, while it was the norm for every hotel to waive cancellation fees during the first half of 2020, The Peninsula, as a brand, continues to honour the waiving of cancellation penalties due to very dynamic travel restrictions. Because of our current practices and standards, I am confident that our guests will feel very safe and secure at any one of our Peninsula hotels around the world.

As a leader of one of the most prestigious hotels in the world, what keeps you motivated in these especially challenging times?

Our staff and guests! Having to lead a great team of professionals during this difficult time and being responsible for them, as well as doing whatever we can to place The Peninsula Shanghai in the hearts of our guests, are huge motivational factors for me.

What exciting new developments are you planning for The Peninsula Shanghai?

Very recently, as a brand, we launched The Peninsula Promise for all our hotels worldwide. The Peninsula Promise is our commitment to our guests in providing superlative guest experience. These initiatives––including a newly extended and flexible schedule for check-in and check-out; guaranteed connecting rooms and special rates at the time of booking; a collection of eco-friendly, bespoke scented guestroom amenities; contactless 24-hour concierge services; and more––ensure that every aspect of our guests’ stay with us, from planning to in-room service, is supremely comfortable, safe, and seamless.
最近,半岛酒店集团在全球所有酒店推出了半岛承诺。半岛承诺致力于提供上乘的服务及体验,推出一系列全新礼遇及安排,使服务更臻完善,让客人入住更轻松惬意,同时也为酒店业奠定新标准。半岛承诺卓越的舒适性、便利性、灵活性;这些举措– – 包括新近推出的灵活入住和退房计划;预订时保证连通客房和特别房价;一系列生态友好、定制香味的客房便利设施;24小时无接触礼宾服务等 – 确保您入住我们酒店方方面面的体验(从计划到客房内服务)– 都超级舒适、安全、顺畅。

Can you tell us about your family and personal life? How do you like to spend your leisure time?

I am very lucky to be able to spend time with my very supportive wife and three children, two sons and a daughter, here in Shanghai. Looking at the positive side related to the pandemic, I got to spend more quality time with my family, especially during the first half of last year, which I am very grateful for. During my days off, I greatly enjoy cooking all day for my family (I guess this stems from my food and beverage background), while squeezing in some time for playing tennis with my daughter.  

For nearly a century, The Peninsula name has embodied an elegant combination of tradition, glamour, innovation and service. Guests enjoy exquisite accommodation, luxury transport, exemplary dining and spa experiences, plus curated cultural programmes that allow immersion in each property’s home city.

General Manager, The Peninsula Shanghai
Jisoo Chon has been General Manager at The Peninsula Shanghai since 2017. His commitment to The Peninsula Hotels, however, spans more than a decade. Prior to his appointment as General Manager, Mr Chon held several other executive posts at The Peninsula Shanghai, including Resident Manager and Executive Assistant Manager of Food and Beverage. He also previously served as both Assistant Director and Director of Food and Beverage at The Peninsula Chicago. Before joining The Peninsula Hotels in 2008, Mr Chon held leadership positions at several luxury hotels in New York and Chicago. 
Born in Seoul, Korea, Mr Chon moved to the United States at the age of 12. After receiving a Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York, he pursued study in Hospitality and Tourism Education at L'École Hôtelière de Glion in Switzerland, graduating with distinction. He subsequently furthered his education with courses in Strategic Hospitality Management and Strategic Marketing for Hotels & Restaurants at Cornell University School of Hotel Administration, in New York.



IST 国际学校2021-2023年度奖学金计划



Editor's Picks

Business Tianjin MAGAZINE
  2021 February issue  

The Art of Detail, Warmth and Service
A unique conversation with 
Jisoo Chon
General Manager
The Peninsula Shanghai


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