川普律师写的From Jenna Ellis...
Today, the electoral college votes will be sealed and sent by special carrier to Washington where they will remain sealed until January 6th when the House and Senate will come into a joint session to open the votes. The media is going to make you believe that it's all over and Joe Biden is now officially president...
On January 6th, Nancy Pelosi will sit down with the rest of the House members as she has no special power or authority over the hearing... Vice President Mike Pence will have all the authority as president of the Senate for that day and will accept or reject motions to decide the next steps by the assembly.
Remember... Mike Pence is in full authority that day as written in the Constitution. The ballots will be certified today but that means nothing...
The votes will be opened and at that point one House member could, and most likely will, raise their hand to object to the Vice President on the state of elector's votes. That objection could cover fraud or any other reason, and with the seconding of that objection everything changes. Everything!!
The House and Senate will divide for two hours (at least) to debate, then vote. The vote will be per Senator with the Vice President being the deciding vote if needed in the Senate, while the vote in the House will be only be ONE vote per delegation, per state, not per House member!!! The Republicans have 30 delegation votes compared to the Democrats 20 delegation votes.
If this scenario runs true, President Trump gets re-elected.
The Democrats, the media, social networks and globalists around the world will come unhinged and chaos will erupt. Bigly.
President Trump is trying to do the right thing and go through the courts first, expose all the fraud, but we all knew that none of the courts, even the Supreme Court wanted to touch this issue with a 10-ft pole!
This is why our forefathers were so brilliant because they knew something like this could happen someday. So, don't listen to the media and all their deception and lies. All you have to do is read the Constitution and you know that the law, policies and procedures in the end are on our side. "
来自詹娜 · 埃利斯...
今天,选举团的选票将被封存,由特别载体送到华盛顿,在那里将保持密封,直到1月6日,当参众两院将召开联席会议,打开选票。媒体会让你相信一切都结束了, 乔 · 拜登现在正式成为总统...
记得。。。迈克 · 彭斯在宪法中写得完全有权。选票今天将经过认证, 但那毫无意义...
参众两院将分成两个小时(至少)进行辩论,然后进行表决。如果参议院需要,投票将由每个参议员进行,副总统是决定投票,而众议院的投票将只是每个代表团、每个州、而不是每个众议院议员的一票!!! 共和党有30张代表团票,而民主党只有20张代表团票。
如果这种情况属实, 特朗普总统将再次当选。
特朗普总统试图做正确的事,并首先通过法院,揭露所有的欺诈,但我们都知道,没有一个法院,甚至最高法院想用10英尺的杆子触及这个问题!这就是为什么我们的祖先如此辉煌, 因为他们知道这样的事情总有一天会发生。所以,不要听媒体和他们所有的欺骗和谎言。你所能做的就是读宪法,你知道法律、政策和程序最终都站在我们这边。"(微信翻译)
今日在各摇摆州议会占多数议席的GOP,用这个“procedural vote”选出川普的总统选举人,很高明!
不会都过270票,每州只能有固定人数的一组“总统选举人”。就“总统选举人”而言,依据宪法第二条,州议会而不是州行政当局,说了算。官司会打到联邦最高法院,如各州议会胜诉,则川普过270票而当选。还有一种可能也不排除,就如今日挺川共和党人从州到联邦最高法院通过胜诉,获得270张选举人票后当选。而如“摇摆州”因有两组“总统选举人”被最高法判作废,则因双方都未达270张选举人票而启动“临时选举”,即1月6日由国会众议院每州一票选出总统。共和党联邦众议员在27州占多数,稳过半数,民主党只有21州的多数,其余2州人数相等。所以,虽不排除变数,然无论哪种情况,败等的“总统黄粱梦”已碎,一地鸡毛 ……