

yezhi 带来无限 2022-07-23



第六感,是超五官功能之上的,对一些看不见摸不着的物质 讯息接收感知力。



【什么人具备ESP功能】一是 从小受到灵悟性高的父母影响,经常讲一些天界神明和神话故事给孩子听;二是 从小不太爱吃肉类,并且吃的东西比较少;三是 对中医感兴趣;四是 喜欢独处思考和探索,不爱扎堆。

Know the sixth sense every child is born with ESP, but since the first bite, the sixth sense is switched off by 50% , and by age 12 it's off by 80% , it shuts down more than 90 percent by adulthood, and only a small number of people or children who eat less and don't like meat retain this function. The sixth sense, which is the function of super-five senses, is the perception of information reception for some invisible and intangible substances. A person with a strong ESP is very intelligent in dealing with or cooperating with others. He or she can quickly understand the unconscious problems of the other party and make quick answers and solutions, make the other side of the extremely easy, especially to do important things before, can correctly predict the consequences. With Super Esp people, can see the sky fall“Hanging phase”, that is to say, “Heaven know half, Earth know 80, Earth know 99” envy it, move him maybe you can. [ who has the ESP function? ] First, he was influenced by his parents who had a high sense of spirituality. He often told his children stories about celestial gods and myths. Second, he didn't like eating meat very much and ate less food. Third, he was interested in traditional Chinese Medicine Fourth, like to think and explore alone, not in groups.

