

yezhi 带来无限 2022-07-11

开篇引述 地球,是人类唯一的家园,没有第二。环保要从娃娃抓起,从日常生活中的每一个细节做起,从各行各业从严抓起,人人提升环保的智慧维度。

保护好地球环境,是人类集体的首要天职,是我们存在于地球的神圣使命,因此,接下来小编的所有推文灵魂,均围绕“健康 环保”以及对这两大问题的解码方法,并且篇文内容为21世纪新存在模式的话题居多,(建议零零后生的孩子与其家长多加关注)。



人似乎始终喜欢注重人生的过程,把“怒哀”放在人生的突出位置,忽略一个关键的结果——“”字。当我真正悟懂获得“乐”字的源头来自于自己的内心时,令我茅塞顿开,开怀不已。虽然我不是那种多愁善感 悲观,有事没事都去向他人倾诉的人,但是,偶尔也会出现或遇到一些令人困惑的事情。

The opening quote of the Earth, is the only home of human beings, there is no second. Environmental protection should start from the children, from every detail of daily life, from all walks of life from the strict start, everyone to enhance the wisdom of environmental protection dimension. Protecting the Earth's environment is our collective primary mission, our sacred mission here on earth, so all of the tweets that follow revolve around“Health, environment” and how to decode those two big questions, and the content of the article for the 21st century, the topic of the new mode of existence of the majority, (children born after zero and their parents are advised to pay more attention to) . Knowledge and heart communication knowledge of life, intentionally or unintentionally with the idiom“Happiness, anger, sadness,” together with the intersection, why we human beings to such a life positioning, on this question troubled me for most of my life, it was not until the last decade or so that I realized that the idiom“Happiness, anger, sorrow and joy” is a summary of the whole process from birth to the end of life. I have always admired and appreciated the wisdom of the Chinese language that our ancestors left us. Every word, every idiom, contains a profound moral, giving the younger generation a deep-level hint or warning, so that the younger generation will not go astray. People seem to always like to focus on the process of life, put“Anger and sorrow” in the prominent position of life, ignoring a key result-“Music” word. When I really understand that the source of the word“Music” comes from my own heart, it makes me enlightened and happy. While I'm not one of those sentimental, pessimistic types who confide in others, I do occasionally encounter or encounter things that are confusing.





我是一个不爱聚众的人,潜心与自己的内心交流后,最大的好处在收获快乐的同时,让自己了解到许多不为人知 己不知的事情,原来自己的内心是一座神奇的宝库,包括有形的和无形的东西,真的就像古人说的,人的内心里装有一本万科全书,只是需要撬动自己天生自带的第六感即可开发出来,这不是迷信。

[ heart to heart exchange experience ] experience with the word“Happy” to locate the beginning of everything, no matter what you do, you should hold the things you like to do, do not do things that forced and wronged themselves, what should be ignored is the bad state of“Anger and sorrow” in the middle. We should put our attention on the word“Joy”, make our life happy and do things optimistically. I am a person who does not like to gather people. The best thing I can do is to communicate with my heart, and at the same time, I can learn a lot of things that no one knows, it turns out that your heart is a magical treasure house, including tangible and intangible things. It's really like what the ancients said, there is an encyclopedia in your heart. You just need to Pry your natural sixth sense to develop it, it's not superstition.




The third lesson learned that people are not carriers of food, nor will they naturally get sick, the impact of weather changes on their carriers, as well as the earth's magnetic field vibration frequency changes, the impact on the human body discomfort, and even some of the disaster generated in advance of the premonition, the biggest gain is that after I know how to communicate with my heart, I feel very strong in my heart. I understand that people don't need others to serve me, and I don't need anyone to worry about me, there is no more time, no more space, no more life and death, no more medicine, no more nutrition, no more science that we used to worship, no more understanding of our true mission, that we are not meant to serve ourselves, it's the earth that I'm standing on, and so on, and it's a beautiful effect of talking to myself, and I'm really enjoying it right now. To be honest, when a person learns not to worry about“Eating and getting sick” and finds the answers to all the problems in life that he or she can solve, then he or she stops trying to please anyone and is no longer confused by life, is the true sense of the liberation of their own, I now really enjoy this state of carefree.

互动话题 ▏ 小编推出心得短文,是想知道人世间,有多少人和我一样,把环境保护放在重要的突出位置,并喜欢探索和体验另外一种维度的,简单而令人愉悦的健康存在方式?

欢迎您给我分享你的开悟经验 提升维度的收获,我们相互交流与提升,感谢遇见您!

This essay is to find out how many people in the world, like me, give environmental protection a prominent place and like to explore and experience another dimension, a simple and pleasurable way to be healthy? Welcome you to share your enlightenment experience, the harvest of promoting dimension, we exchange and promote each other, thank you for meeting you!


