校董招新 | 格大广州 精彩有你
在过去的一年,我们在广州琶醍成功举办“格大与五羊之约”校友聚会,格拉斯哥大学副校长Mrs. Bonnie Dean、亚当斯密学院院长Prof. Johb Finch出席活动,与来自广州、深圳、佛山等地近百位校友齐聚珠江河畔,共聚欢乐时光。另外,广州校友会还举办了“平安夜轰趴聚会”、“商业精英”桌游聚会、“格拉斯哥大学2019级新生行前见面会”、“狼来了”狼人杀聚会活动、“格拉斯哥电影之夜”等活动,受到了校友们的好评。
格拉斯哥大学广州校友会成立于2014 年10 月,广州校友会校董会同时成立。经过多年的发展,目前第三届广州校友会校董会共有成员12人,并经格拉斯哥大学官方认证。
Chair/Deputy Chair:
1.Takes overall responsibility for the smooth running of the local Alumni Association
2.Chairs the committee meeting
3.Directly speaks and report to the AR team
4.Ensures the records/updates are submitted regularly
5.Has the co-responsibility for the finances of the Branch
1.Manages the communications between committee members
2.Inform the committee meeting dates/venue
3.Record and maintain the meeting minutes
4.Has the co-responsibility of recording local alumni contact updates
Event Officer
1.Organise events: book venues, liaise with vendors etc.
2. Work with the Communication Officer to promote the events and process registrations
3. Process payments if required
4. Has the co-responsibility of recording local alumni contact updates
Communication Officer
1. Communicate with local alumni of the Branch news/events, via AR team in the first instance
2. Produce contents for the alumni e-newsletter
3. Responsible for the daily running of the Wechat Social Media“格大广州”, work as 五羊君
4. Publicise the Branch events
1. Has the co-responsibility of the finances of the Branch
2. Manage the day-to-day Branch accounts
3. Make sure any gifts given by local alumni are passed to the DAO
1. 请在校友会群或向五羊君领取《格拉斯哥大学广州校董会申请表》;
2. 请在2019年11月15日前填写完成《格拉斯哥大学广州校董会申请表》,并发给五羊君;
3. 我们将根据收到的报名申请,与大家商议一个合适的见面时间,匹配申请意向及校董会需求,当场确认职位及后续工作安排。
2019年10 月22 日