
We Only Bl**dy Won It!

Will Breakfast Champion 2023-11-12

TLDR version: It's coming home, it's coming home, it's coming...bacon's coming home!

Tursday 8th July (Beijing time) will go down in history as the day it finally came home! No, I'm not getting ahead of the big match on Sunday (keeping my fingers crossed there), I'm talking about the 2021 That's Shanghai Lifestyle Awards!

 Liking the stylised 'i' there. Good work whoever the graphic designer was...

The award we'd been nominated for was the 'People's Choice - Delivery App of the Year', as voted for by you lovely people out there. The award that says 'yes, your app is great, your product is great, but you also have a great rapport with your customers'. Before our online store was up and running we felt like we knew each and every one of you, as we were talking to you all the time taking orders. Now, that's less possible due to the nature of selling via a website, but we still try our best to keep everyone involved, and give you as personal a service as we can.

So who won?

By the looks of it you guys appreciate the effort, because you've pulled out your collective fingers and helped us to beat off (stop sniggering in the back) some stern competition. 

We only bloody won the thing!

You are now looking at Breakfast Champion - That's Shanghai People's Choice Delivery App of the Year 2021! And we will be reminding you of that at every possible opportunity for the next year! It'll be mentioned in every single article, watermarked onto every photo, every poster, stamped onto all our products, we'll all be getting it tattooed onto our faces, and so on, and so on, and so on. Look at what you've made us do!


Real thanks go out to all of you, everyone who has supported us along the way in any way at all. Whether you've placed an order, tried some samples, passed our contact onto a friend or colleague, messaged us for a chat (you know who you are), entered quizzes, placed wagers on dogs not eating bacon sandwiches (RIP Finbarr, gone but not forgotten), or just come and said 'hi' to us when we're manning our stall at an event. Couldn't have done it without you!

I realised, too late, that my new laptop has a mini SD slot, and not a normal one, so here's a photo of the screen on the back of my nice camera, taken with my phone, of me and George looking elated with the win...

Thanks to everyone who works with us at Breakfast Champion to make the whole thing go as smoothly as it does, there's a whole lot of moving parts, and I for one am in awe of the organisation needed to make it work. Thankfully I mainly just write articles and sample new products (it's a hard life).
Don't forget to follow the official That's Shanghai account; that way you can help us defend our title next year!

And finally, thanks to That's for hosting a great event at The Apartment in Shanghai, giving us free booze and food (the brownies were especially nice), and for nominating us in the first place. All very much appreciated.

And if you're ever in Shanghai, you could do worse than give these guys a visit. Nice bar it was...

Scan to order!


