博士申请 | 芝加哥大学李恬老师招收可信机器学习方向博士/硕士/博后/实习生
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芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)创立于1890年,其学术地位和声誉一直处于美国甚至全球的前列,是世界著名的顶尖私立研究型大学之一。2021-22年度,芝加哥大学位列U.S. News美国最佳大学排名第6、软科世界大学学术排名第10、泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名第10、QS世界大学排名第10、U.S. News世界大学排名第15。导师简介
Tian Li will be joining the Department as an Assistant Professor in the Summer of 2024. Her research centers around distributed optimization, federated learning, and trustworthy ML. She is interested in designing, analyzing, and evaluating principled learning algorithms, taking into account practical constraints, to address issues related to accuracy, scalability, trustworthiness, and their interplays. Tian received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University. Prior to CMU, she received her undergraduate degrees in Computer Science and Economics from Peking University. She received the Best Paper Award at the ICLR Workshop on Secure Machine Learning Systems, was invited to participate in the EECS Rising Stars Workshop, and was recognized as a Rising Star in Machine Learning/Data Science by multiple institutions.
I have 1~3 PhD/Postdoc openings as well as some research internship positions available (official start date is 2024 Fall for PhD students).
1. distributed/robust/private/convex optimization
2. federated and collaborative learning
3. trustworthy (fair/robust/private) machine learning in different contexts
1. world-class training to be a good researcher
2. exceptional environments and enough freedom for you to focus on your interests
3. comprehensive support for career development, including but not limited to travel support, collaboration with top researchers in academic and industry, job search help, and nominating for different kinds of awards/honors
What I expect from you:
1. strong technical background with solid coding/maths skills in related areas
2. good communication skills
3. being motivated, curious, honest, and passionate
What I DON’T need:
1. exact alignment of research interests
2. not-so-useful statistics such as the number of papers, GPA, etc
If you are interested, feel free to drop me an email at litian@cs.cmu.edu or litian@uchicago.edu, and apply through the official system (for PhD applicants).
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