北京内推 | 高通中国研究院AI Research团队招聘ML/AI System实习生
AI 求职为大家精选人工智能领域最新鲜的招聘信息,助你先人一步投递,快人一步入职!
Qualcomm(高通公司)是全球领先的无线科技创新者,也是5G研发、商用与实现规模化的推动力量。我们致力于发明突破性的基础科技。变革了世界连接、计算和沟通的方式。把手机连接到互联网,Qualcomm的发明开启了移动互联时代。今天,Qualcomm的基础科技赋能了整个移动生态系统,每一台3G、4G和5G智能手机中都有其发明。Qualcomm将移动技术的优势带到汽车、物联网、计算等全新行业,开创人与万物能够顺畅沟通和互动的全新世界。General Summary
Before there were smartphones or smart cities, before autonomous cars or 360 virtual reality videos, there was our technology. Headquartered in San Diego, for over 30 years Qualcomm’s inventions have inspired others to make the impossible, possible. From 5G to artificial intelligence, IoT to automotive and extended reality applications, Qualcomm is inventing the technologies of an intelligently connected future, spearheading research efforts for the next global wireless standard, and collaborating with industry leaders in the wireless value chain to make this future a commercial reality. You’re bringing skills. We’ll provide the environment and the experience to push your limitless potential. Join us for our U.S. 2024 summer intern class!Artificial Intelligence is changing the world for the benefit of human beings and societies. AI is moving from cloud to the edge devices. Qualcomm, as the world's leading mobile computing platform provider, is committed to enable the wide deployment of intelligent solutions on all possible devices. As a Machine Learning/AI Engineering Intern you will be involved and participate in building best-in-class solutions and tools needed to enable state-of-the-art technologies for next generation mobile/embedded machine learning platforms for smart phones, autonomous vehicles, robotics and IOT devices. In this role, you will work in a dynamic research environment, be part of a multi-disciplinary team of researchers and software developers, collaborate with internal teams, work with popular neural network frameworks, and understand the architecture of Qualcomm’s SOC compute and ML HW accelerators. You will design, develop & test software for machine learning tools and frameworks that enable making models smaller and run efficiently on all edge devices.
Minimum Qualifications
Currently enrolled in a bachelor’s, master’s, or Ph.D. degree program in computer engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, or a related field Successful candidates will have experience in one or more of the following Machine Learning/AI Technical Tracks:1. MACHINE LEARNING/AI SOFTWARE (Position SW)
Programing in C++ and Python
Experience in machine learning algorithms and architectures, including CNNs, RNN/LSTMs, Transformer, LVM, LLM
Hands-on experience with ML frameworks, such as TensorFlow or PyTorch
Previous experience working on machine learning data pipelines and data management back end or front end applications
Neural network, computer programming, video processing, image processing, app dev
Mathematical operations: linear algebra, fast math libraries
Programming in Python
Machine learning theory / optimization methods, deep learning, model compression / quantization / optimization
Reinforcement Learning, Neural Architecture Search / kernel optimization, Bayesian Optimization
Deep neural networks (CNN, RNN, Attention, Transformer)
Audio and speech / NLP (e.g., BERT) / computer vision / wireless communication/ Wireless Domain ML
Proficiency in designing, implementing and training DL/RL algorithms in high-level Languages/frameworks (e.g. PyTorch, TensorFlow, Caffe, Keras).
📪 ljiuyuan@qti.qualcomm.com
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香港中文大学宋永健老师|西蒙菲莎大学陈武阳老师|宁波东方理工大学沈晓宇老师|香港科技大学冯雁教授|香港科技大学(广州)李昊昂老师|鹏城实验室童倩倩老师|悉尼大学Hesham El Gamal教授|麦考瑞大学AIoT课题组|加州大学河滨分校董悦老师|西交利物浦大学颜宏盛副教授|北京大学张文涛教授|清华大学未来实验室人居组|波士顿学院Prof. Donglai Wei|华盛顿大学计算机系王晟老师|香港科技大学(广州)骆昱宇老师|伊利诺伊大学香槟分校张欢老师|西湖大学机器智能实验室|新加坡国立大学尤洋老师课题组|清华大学信息国家研究中心|香港理工大学Boris NG教授|香港科技大学(广州)张延林老师|香港科技大学(广州)谢思泓教授|北京大学王乐业老师|伊利诺伊大学香槟分校张潼教授|香港科技大学(广州)孙莹老师|伊利诺伊理工大学王韧老师|香港中文大学(深圳)濮实老师|新加坡管理大学何盛烽副教授|香港科技大学(广州)赵航老师|南方科技大学视觉郑锋老师
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