

春日雙蟲 春日雙蟲的雜貨舖 2023-10-22

【茶色的土曜日】 PEKING



Today's Film, Only the River Flows


      I used to write a review after watching a new film, but it's really difficult for me to start this time since the plot doesn't make sense for me at all. Maybe I will look into it via relative articles later on. However, this won't affect my high evaluation of the film.
        Perhaps the playwright's intention is not making a twisting and attractive conventional suspense movie, but trying to display the connection of the ridiculous reality and the crazy  mentality. The movie has fully showed the absurdness of the reality. If there is a single word to describe the general environment fostered by the film, it should be "chilly". The "chill" includes but not limited to the coldness of the weather in Northern China, the serenity of the remote town like Yong'an Town of Ripples of Life, the vague indifference of the interpersonal relationship, and the loneliness originating from that "Carnival is a group of people alone". What corresponds to this is the increasing craziness in the inner heart of the protagonist. The partial artistry of the film lies in that it doesn't exhibit the craziness depending on roar, violence, large amounts of grand and twisted scene, or the direct psychological description of the protagonist. Nevertheless, you can fell the chaos and weirdness of the protagonist's mentality, which turns into a stream of chill down your spine.

The Mall Was Designed Transparent

Having Lunch at a Booth

☯︎在迪卡儂買把露營椅回寢室躺著Purchase a Outdoor Chair in Decathlon and Lie in the Dormitory
​        我發覺迪卡儂、優衣庫、無印良品之類的店鋪總能激起人的購買慾朢。        I noticed that stores like Decathlon, Uniqlo, Muji will always whet customers' appetites for merchandise.
☯︎點擊鏈接/Click the following link:南都觀察家:為什麼很多大學越來越像高中了?
Nandu's Observer: Why Many Universities Look More and More Like Senior High Schools?

