
How to Pronounce Chinese Compound Finals?

DACD GICexpat 2020-08-23


The pronunciation of most compound finals is actually putting mono finals together, read in a smooth way. Today DACD will teach you some compound finals of this kind.

 Here we go 

Let’s start with compound finals consisting of two vowels.

“ia”, its pronunciation goes from “i” to “a”

Okay, now let’s read jia, connecting j-i-a together.

Got it?

Great, let’s see some other compound finals:

ai:a-i           ua:u-a         uo:u-o      

Now Let’s move on to compound finals consisting of three vowels!

uai :u-ai   

Have you learned it?

In the next episode, we will teach you some tricky compound finals, which are not simply the combination of mono finals.

The above contents are provided by online Chinese learning DACD.

Supervisor: Crystal Huang

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