
These Chinglish Phrases Will Make You Confused...

GiC Team GICexpat 2020-04-06

College English Test Band 4 and 6 are held twice a year. 

They are optional tests but still cause some students nightmares because a good score is a prerequisite to get an interview with most companies. The translation questions in the test are always the hardest, but also provide the opportunity for the most fun. A lack of vocabulary can make for some interesting, and incredibly creative, phrases.  

So we’ve made a fun test to see if you can guess what the original meanings of the below Chinglish sentences are.


I go to work by popular car today.

Click the blank to see the answer



people who come from the countryside/people who plant grass

Click the blank to see the answer



Do you have the air paper?

Click the blank to see the answer

Did you get the airplane ticket?


What do you think of 

China’s boss/ The Yellow King?

Click the blank to see the answer

What do you think of  the  Chinese emperors?


I really want to go to warm-water thing/ Gulugulu water in winter.

Click the blank to see the answer

I really want to go to a hot spring in winter.


I drink medical grass tea when I’m sick.

Click the blank to see the answer

I drink herbal tea when I'm sick.


Chinese laoban/big-money-makers?

Click the blank to see the answer



I’m gonna buy a ‘new strategy car’

Click the blank to see the answer

I’m gonna buy a new energy car.


Trying to explain a word by "Make love every day but have no baby", What is that word?

Click the blank to see the answer



“One day is your teacher, day day is your father.”

Click the blank to see the answer

He who teaches me for one day is my father for life.


"The bird's bedroom"

Click the blank to see the answer

bird's habitat/Bird's nest

What other Chinglish phrases have you heard?  

Share your stories with us below!

Author: Xin Leung

Editor: Crystal Huang

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