
This time, Can Huawei Weather the Storm After the Ban?

GiC Team GICexpat 2020-04-25

On May 21, Ren Zhengfei, founder and CEO of Huawei, was interviewed by various media sources at the Huawei headquarters in Shenzhen, China.

On May 16th, BIS in America announced that American firms could not supply Huawei without permission from the American government.

On May 20, Google has suspended some business with Huawei after the ban.

On May 21st, the U.S. announced a 90-day delay in implementing the ban on Huawei.

During the conference, Ren Zhengfei said that “90 days doesn't mean much to us. We're ready. The most important thing for us is to do well what we can do.”

He said his family are still using iPhones. Apple's ecologically very good and he even gave his family abroad MacBook’s. 

"I cannot narrow-mindedly think that love Huawei then must use Huawei phones," said Ren.

Moreover, Ren said he would not blame or even exclude American companies for the unfair treatment by the U.S. government.

“Huawei is not going to easily and narrowly exclude U.S. chips,” he said. 'it's going to grow together.”

"We will always need American chips," he said "and if after the approval process is complete, we are going to buy it and sell it. We are not just going to buy it, we may sell it and make it more advanced, so we are not going to exclude the United States, which is parochial.” Ren said. 

"We have no difficulty in case of shortage of the chips because we can make all the high-end chips ourselves."

He also revealed that Huawei had a hard time making its own chips, but have made it through.

At the same time, he also believes that the current situation of Huawei can stimulate China to develop the electronics industry in a down-to-earth manner.

In the past, the policy was to spend money, but it was not enough. Instead, talents are needed, such as mathematicians, physicists and so on. "It's hard to succeed solely on Chinese innovation. Why can't we embrace the world and rely on global innovation?"

He further revealed that at present, Huawei has at least 700 mathematicians, more than 800 physicists, more than 120 chemists, 6,000 or 7,000 experts in basic research, and more than 60,000 senior engineers and engineers. 

“The more than 15,000 scientists and experts in basic research we have compiled have turned knowledge into money. We also have more than 60,000 application-oriented talents to develop products and turn knowledge into money. We always support scientists outside the enterprise to do research and exploration.” 

Ren also revealed that in "peacetime" Huawei used 1+1 rule: half American chip and half Huawei chip because Huawei could not be isolated from the world. 

At the same time, he noted that the depth and breadth of American technology are still worth learning from in China, and many small companies have ultra-sophisticated products.

“The most important thing for us is to do what we can and what the U.S. government can't do,” he said in response to the 90-day delay ban.

He also said Huawei is “very grateful to the U.S. companies that have contributed a lot to the company.” Many of Huawei's consultants, for example, come from American firms such as IBM.

Huawei still buys at least 50 million sets of Qualcomm chips every year and has never rejected or resisted them.

In the end, we still have to make contributions to human society together.

Source: global times

Editor: Crystal Huang


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