
Wishing Words to Say in Spring Festival!

Shine Mandarin GICexpat 2020-01-09


What to say during the Spring Festival?


Xīn nián kuài lè !
新  年   快   乐 !

Happy New Year! 

注释Note: We say 新年快乐(xīn nián kuài lè) both on Jan. 1st and in the Spring Festival. 


Wàn shì rú yì !
万  事  如 意 !

May everything turns out as you wish! 

Another word with the same meaning:

Xīn xiǎnɡ shì chénɡ
心  想    事  成


Gōnɡ xǐ fā cái
恭   喜 发 财

May you be happy and properous!

You can also say it in Cantonese way:

Kung Hey Fat Coy!


Zhū shì dà jí
诸  事  大 吉

Good luck with everything!


"诸(zhū)"means everything, which also has the same pronunciation as "猪(zhū)",  the PIG. The pig's year is coming, so this word also means Good luck in the PIG's year!



Cái yuán ɡuǎnɡ jìn
财  源   广    进

Treasures fill the home!


Shēn tǐ jiàn kānɡ
身   体 健   康

Enjoy good health!


Nián nián yǒu yú
年   年   有  余

May you have the prosperity in the new year.


"余(yú)" means "more; something leftover". As "鱼(yú), fish" has the same pronunciation, fish is always part of the dinner on the New Year's Eve because it represents abundance.



Suì suì pínɡ ān
岁  岁  平   安

Peace all year round!


During the Spring Festival, we try to avoid breaking a dish, or you may encounter misfortune. If it happens, you need to say 岁岁平安(suì suì pínɡ ān) immediately, and the bad luck will be warded away. That's because "smash" in Chinese is 碎(suì),and "岁(suì, year)" is also pronounced as suì.


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