
He Left All Web Celebs Speechless. How???

Crystal Huang GICexpat 2021-12-22

On the Internet, there are too many beautiful girls. 

Today I wanna talk about this guy named A Chun. 

You can call him - Internet anti-counterfeiting pioneer.

His appearance, let web celebrity girls speechless, 

but also completely shattered the screen goddess of men's fantasies.

He shows an example of “how a guy turns into a pure good-looking girl".

You can just follow these steps:

1. Open filter, beauty cam

2. Add soft background music

3. And… voila.

He reveals the biggest secrets behind Chinese web celebrities. 

His creative inspiration comes from beauty and the real face of web celebrities under the filter in Douyin app.

Like these:


Some people suspect that these girls, who have the skills of transfiguration, are graduates of sculpture, oil painting majors to strengthen their makeup skills.

But the fact is, technology isn’t that important. 

After all, web celebrities have a series of beautifying functions and filters.

A Chun will give you a good example:

No eyeshadow? 

Just cut a piece of ash from the bottom of the pot.


At the same time, the expression should be in place.

Next, a sweet voice is needed. 

Behind many web celebrities, 

the voice changer is a powerful weapon.

Watch this video to learn more:

Annnnd that’s all, folks! 

Did this make you want to try something of your own? 

Want to be a web celeb for a day? 

Let us know about your experience!

Review: What Do China’s Online Celebs Look Like in Person? 

Source: chanchuanyi

Editor: Crystal Huang 

What is your opinion? 

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