
My Phone Is Dead! How Do You Ask For a Charger in Chinese

GICexpat 2020-08-22

shǒu jī
méi yǒu diàn le

It might drive us crazy that our mobiles are out of power, especially when we need to contact someone immediately. What you want most at the very moment is JUST a charger or power bank. If you don’t have either of them, you might need to ask for help. The following will help you out, definitely.

My mobile is out of power. Do you have any chargers?
wǒ de shǒu jī méi yǒu diàn le.你有充电器吗?
nǐ yǒu chōng diàn qì ma?

Which one do you prefer? iPhone or Android one? 你要苹果的还是安卓的?
nǐ yào píng guǒ de hái shì ān zhuó de?

I need the Android one.
wǒ yào ān zhuó de.

Where can I charge it?
nǎ lǐ kě yǐ chōng diàn?

Over there./ Under the desk.
nà biān /zhuō zǐ xià mian.

Thanks so much!
fēi cháng gǎn xiè!

  • 充电宝 

chōng diàn bǎo

Power bank

  • 充电头

chōng diàn tóu 

  • 数据线

shù jù xiàn

  • 插座

chā zuò 

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