
Shocking photos of how Online Celebs Look Like in Person!

Crystal H GICexpat 2020-09-14


In the online world, it is hard to distinguish the real from the fake. 

A few years ago, we were being tricked by cosmetic surgery and makeup. Now technology has gotten even more advanced.  


Now the common thing is enhancing photos through PS skills!

You can satisfy your online followers by looking gorgeous and natural after PS.

You will get more and more followers if you keep posting your selfies and share your daily life. Consequently, after you gain many followers, you will become a web celebrity. 

I'm going to give you a series of real pics and some fake ones.

before PS VS after PS

I want to learn PS skills from him

This guy posted daily selfies to get followers.

His followers thought he was a tall and handsome man.

See some of his pics.

But when he's did live streaming..

Is this the same person?

In this photo, it's hard to believe his legs are real. The manipulation of the legs is very obvious.

Wow, so many loooong legs!!!

 After PS VS. reality

Don't worry if you think your body shape isn't good enough.

You can also have long and thin legs after the beauty cam.


Look at how amazing the PS process is, 


What do you think of these new techniques and technology? 

Comment below!

Source: weibo

Editor: Crystal H

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