
What?Famous adult English training company to declare bankruptcy

GICexpat 2021-09-07

Wall Street English, an international adult English training company, the head of sales informed the principals of the central branch that the company would declare bankruptcy next week and asked employees to leave as soon as possible. The company has not yet offered a specific compensation plan for the last holdout.


A teaching branch in Beijing did not open its doors, there was no notice at the door, and students came to inquire about refunds one after another. 

A special registration point set up by the staff at the gate, where many students left their own information.

 Those students, who came here after reading the news, paid fees ranging from more than 10,000 yuan to 800,000 yuan, with many taking out loans to pay for their tuition.

On Wechat, students in various cities have set up activist groups.

One student received a message from the Wall Street English staff saying there was nothing they could do about the situation, but hoped they could find a way to recover their losses.


Editor: Crystal H


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