
Woman eats mooncakes for 3 days,then at midnight she suddenly...

GICexpat 2021-10-03

Mooncakes are a must-have food for Chinese people during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

But gastrointestinal experts remind you that moon cakes must not eat too much, especially in its own stomach disease and weak digestive function of patients, should pay more attention to not eat or eat less.

Recently in Wuhan, Hubei Province, 27-year-old Miss Li had mooncakes as dinner for three consecutive days of overtime because of her busy work.

What she didn't expect was that in the middle of the third night she suffered from severe abdominal pain and vomited with a dark red substance in it.

Terrified, Ms. Li rushed to a local hospital.


Doctors through gastroscopy found that Ms. Li suffered from duodenal ulcer, accompanied by laryngeal bleeding, and stomach erosion is very serious.

Doctors say that if left untreated, patients in severe cases can suffer from stomach perforation, massive bleeding and even life-threatening shock.

The doctor's analysis is largely related to her eating moon cakes for three days.

"Most mooncakes are high in calories, sugar and fat, and are made by baking, which is what we call 'heavy oil and sugar. After eating too much moon cake, it will not only increase gastric acid secretion, destroy the protective barrier of gastric mucosa, aggravate gastritis, ulcer disease, and even gastrointestinal bleeding, but also aggravate cholecystitis, gallstones, fatty liver and other hepatobiliary diseases, the most serious can induce pancreatitis." The doctor said.


Editor: Crystal H


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