
Foreign men beat up passersby in the street and attacked police?

GICexpat 2021-10-03

On the evening of September 23, in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

Several foreign men provoked trouble after drinking in front of a hotel, pulling and beating passers-by, triggering strong discontent among the surrounding people, with a large number of passers-by gathering and some choosing to call the police to deal with the situation.

The police arrived at the scene and warned them and asked them to cooperate with the investigation, but two of the foreigners were drunk and started beating the police, and their arrogant attitude triggered the anger of the passers-by.

In the end, a number of police officers worked together to subdue the two foreigners who were suspected of provoking and assaulting others.


According to Article 26 of the Public Security Management Punishment Law, those who provoke trouble in public places shall be detained for 5-10 days and may be fined up to 500 yuan; if the circumstances are more serious, they shall be detained for 10-15 days and may be fined up to 1000 yuan.



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