
林科 | 下载下雨 No.2 Download Rain No.2

林科《下载下雨 No.2》(静帧)2014,影像,行为,表演,电脑屏幕操作表演录像,2 min 34 sec,艺术家及BANK画廊惠允

自2010年开始,艺术家林科(b. 1984)将自己变成自己的实验对象,投身于计算机时代的行为艺术之中。林科将笔记本电脑作为其艺术工作室,从计算机软件和互联网中提取素材作为其艺术作品的素材与形式。日常互联网的探索和对应用软件的操作催生出他的艺术创作和自画像。他使用屏幕截图和屏幕录制软件记录操作行为和概念图像。在他的作品中,林科以非常规的方式使用电脑软件,在软件原本设计的意图之外寻找新的功能,从而使的语言从基本的交流功能中得以解放而获得诗性。如果诗歌表达了语言的乐趣,那么林科的作品则呈现了软件用户图像界面的愉悦。这件作品正是如此:“我在网络冲浪的时候,看到了一个博客网页,当打开这个网页之后,网页会随着下载的进度加载下雨的动态插件,鼠标光标也会变化。这……”,不断落下的雨滴,连着如同林中鸟一般飞动的鼠标图标,以及被框选背景图片形成的雾气,组成了一首数字版本的“雨中曲”。在展览中,作品被放置在逼仄角落,观众在等待下雨的过程中进入数码冥想,成为我们日常线上生活之外一次空虚的,又全无结果的修行。

Since 2010, artist Ke Lin(b. 1984) has turned himself into his own experimental subject, devoting himself to performance art in the computer age. With a laptop serving as his workspace, he draws inspiration for his works of art from computer programs and the Internet. His self-portraits and artistic creations are the result of his everyday research of the Internet and software application manipulation. His method of recording manipulations and conceptual images is through the use of screen recording software and screenshots. In order to free language from its primary communicative role and give it a lyrical character, Ke Lin employs computer software in an unusual way in his works. He looks for new uses for the program beyond what it was intended for. If poetry embodies the joy of language, his creations showcase the joy of a software user's graphical user interface. This work is just like that: “I saw a blog page while browsing the Internet, and when I accessed it, dynamic plug-ins would rain down from the page as the download progressed and the mouse pointer would change, which……” . This is a digital rendition of "Song in the Rain," complete with droplets falling, a mouse symbol soaring like a bird in the forest, and a mist created by the framed background image. The artwork in the show is tucked away in a little space, and as one watches the rain fall, they become a lifeless and pointless diversion from their everyday internet activities.

林科《下载下雨 No.2》(静帧)2014,影像,行为,表演,电脑屏幕操作表演录像,2 min 34 sec,艺术家及BANK画廊惠允


从2010年开始, 林科将自己变成自己的实验对象,投身于计算机时代的行为艺术之中。林科将笔记本电脑作为其艺术工作室,从计算机软件和互联网中提取素材作为其艺术作品的素材与形式。日常互联网的探索和对应用软件的操作催生出他的艺术创作和自画像。他使用屏幕截图和屏幕录制软件记录操作行为和概念图像。他主要的作品形式为装置、图像、声音、文字、视频和电脑绘画。


Lin Ke, was born in Zhejiang, China in 1984 and lives and works in Shanghai

Since 2010, Lin Ke has turned his attention to the behavioral science of the computer age by making himself his own Guinea pig. Converting his laptop into a studio, Lin extracts material from computer software and the Internet as the fodder and form of his art. The mundane act of exploring the vicissitudes of the world wide web and various applications becomes the catalyst for art making and self-portraiture. He records operational behavior and conceptual images by using screenshots and screen recording software. His work takes the form of installation, image, sound, text, video and computer painting.

In his work, Lin Ke uses software to set its various functions free from their original purpose in the way that language is liberated from its communicative functions to become poetic. If poetry expresses the joy of language, Lin Ke’s work brings out the pleasure of the graphical user interface.


