胡昀 | 星
胡昀《星》2017-18,陨石,3D打印,音乐盒,亚克力盒,60×40×12 cm,艺术家、昊美术馆及艾可画廊惠允
2017年,艺术家胡昀参与了西安OCAT的委任项目,期间深入了解了⻄安卫星测控中⼼和1970年中国发射的第⼀颗⼈造卫星的掌故。最吸引艺术家的是,这颗卫星在当时的唯一任务是在太空中播放《东方红》的旋律,于是创作了这件手摇八音盒装置报以纪念。而这件作品则依托于艺术家的另一件作品,即艺术家根据其祖父收藏1937年版本斯诺著《西行漫记( Red Star Over China )》制作的等大3D打印版本。这本书令1940年前后还仅是一名16岁少年的祖父深受感染,并在之后作出了改变其一生命运的决定。祖父虽一直向往苏区,但却从未踏足陕北,艺术家便以这种方式连接起了祖父的个人史,并在其中放入Chinga陨⽯中截取的⼀小块切边——研究表明这块陨⽯的主体在⾄今约⼀万到两万年前⻜越中国⻄北部最终落在俄罗斯境内;于是,艺术家又将这颗真正飞跃中国的“星”与“东方红”发出的音乐及内亚腹地的往事重新编织,再经由齿轮的转动反复讲述。
In 2017, Yun Hu took part in a commissioned program at OCAT Xi'an, where he delved into the history of the China Satellite Control and Monitoring Center (CSCMC) and China's inaugural man-made satellite launch in 1970. What intrigued the artist most was the satellite's sole mission at the time: to broadcast the melody of 'Dongfanghong' into space. To commemorate this event, Yun Hu created an installation featuring a hand-cranked octave box. The concept for this artwork stemmed from another piece by the artist—a larger-than-life 3D print of Edgar Snow's 1937 book, 'Red Star Over China,' borrowed from his grandfather's collection. This book held such sway over his grandfather, a 16-year-old at the time, that it influenced the course of his life. Yun Hu skillfully intertwined his personal history, his family's connection to northern Shaanxi Province, and a small section of the Chinga meteorite, which research has shown crossed over northern China and ended up in Russia thousands of years ago. The artist incorporated this meteorite fragment, which had traversed Chinese skies to reach Russia, into the book. Now in its third year of existence, this artwork beautifully weaves together this celestial fragment's journey, the 'Dongfanghong' music, and the history of the Inner Asian hinterland, recounting it all through the mechanical motion of the installation's gears.
It is worth mentioning that Zhao Jiuzhang (1907-1968), the chief designer of the "Dongfanghong" artificial satellite and a scientist, assumed the work of the Research Institute of the Central Academy of Sciences from 1944 on the recommendation of the meteorologist Zhu Kezhen and moved the Research Institute to Beiji Ge in Nanjing in 1946, which became one of the important bases of modern meteorological research in China.
Commission by OCAT Xi’an
Hu Yun(b. 1986, Shanghai) 's works range from graphite and watercolors to performance, video, and installation. Interested in how an individual positions him or herself within the course of history, he constructs the links that probe the inseparable coexistence of past and present, individual and public. He is adept at mobilizing various personal and historical experiences, incorporating previously produced materials into his artworks; as a consequence, it is impossible to consider any of Hu's works in isolation since they all share a common theme, an element of foreshadowing, and they are all conceptually interconnected.
Hu Yun has participated in the 6th Singapore Biennale (2019), the 11th Gwangju Biennale (2016), the 4th Guangzhou Triennial (2012) and the 7th Shenzhen Sculpture Biennale (2012). His works have also been exhibited at Power Station of Art, Shanghai; Centre Pompidou, Paris; Times Museum, Guangdong and Yuz Museum, Shanghai. His selected solo exhibitions include "Another Diorama", NUS Museum, Singapore, 2019; "We've been here before", OCAT, Xi'an, China, 2017; "Narration sickness", AIKE, Shanghai, China, 2016; "Lift with Care", AIKE, Shanghai, China, 2013; "Our Ancestors", Goethe Institut, Shanghai, China, 2012; "Image of Nature", Natural History Museum, London, UK, 2010.