贺子珂 | 乱码城市
艺术家贺子珂(b. 1991)的作品呈现了在技术环境、媒介与信息流动中个人感知与时间性的体验,特别是其中与“混乱”有关的议题。她的近期项目围绕特定的记忆、数据、档案和素材库多线程地展开,并延伸于与深层时间有关的话题,故事或讲述常成为其中的核心。影片中,一场暴雨过后,城市的数据中心陷入崩溃。自然之云还是数据之云?在一片混沌之中,二者一时难以区分。负责数据中心服务器的管理员,在失序的数字世界中与云端系统相遇,化身为了一名乘客和一名退休的出租车司机鸿雁,随后,二人在城市、数据、记忆和地质中迷失并逐渐进入更广阔版本的自我,最终却在道路尽头一处记忆中的河滩沉入水中。
Zike He (b. 1991) explores the realms of personal perception and temporality within the context of technological environments, media, and information flows, particularly in the context of "chaos." Her recent projects delve into various interconnected themes, including specific memories, data, archives, and repositories. They also touch upon the concept of deep time, often with storytelling or narration as a central element. In one of her films, the city's data center experiences a meltdown following a rainstorm. It blurs the line between a natural cloud and a data cloud, making them momentarily indistinguishable. The administrator responsible for the data center's servers, encountering the cloud system in this disordered digital world, adopts the identity of a passenger and a retired cab driver named Hong Yan. Subsequently, these two entities become entangled in the city, the data, the memories, and the geography, gradually evolving into expanded versions of themselves. Their journey ultimately leads them to a riverbank from their shared memories, where they eventually sink into the water, bringing their narrative full circle.
作品由现代汽车集团VH Award委任
As a conjecture about the experience of the cloud world, the movie is not a purely futuristic imagining. It unfolds in Guiyang, often referred to as China's data capital. Guiyang is a city characterized by its mountainous terrain and frequent cloud cover, nestled within a karst landscape. Over the past decade, Guiyang has become the nexus for numerous significant data infrastructures, including Asia's first iCloud data center and the servers for the FAST telescope. In this city, natural clouds frequently intersect with digital clouds, and these intersections have had a profound impact, either directly or indirectly, on the lives of those who have resided here.
Commissioned by VH AWARD of Hyundai Motor Group
2022年,她获得了第五届韩国VH Award亚洲新媒体影像奖的入围项目支持,并入选了瑞士文化基金会2023年的驻留项目。她同时也是走访和研究中国西南科技基础设施的跨学科项目“云下贵州”的联合发起人。
He Zike (b. 1990, Guiyang) is an artist whose works explore the interplay between personal perception, temporal experiences, and the ever-present flow of information in the media and technological environment, with a particular interest in the underlying disorder that exists beneath the surface. She invesitgates personal and collective memory by engaging with archives, databases, material repositories, and narratives. Her recent projects are revolve around daily life encompassed by deep time, infrastructure, maching learning, planet computing, and storage. Approach to narrative often takes a central position as she navigates the boundaries of various frameworks. Her works take the form of video, writing, installation, and computer programs.
She is supported by the 5th VH Award of Hyundai Motor Group as one of the five finalists, and the residency program of Pro Helvetia, the Swiss Arts Council in 2023. From 2021, She co-initiated the interdisciplinary project “Under the Cloud” which visits and studies the technological infrastructure in Southwest China.
She graduated with a master's degree from the Department of Future Media Art at China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2018. In 2017, she studied media art at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design in Germany. She received her bachelor's degree in Digital Film Making from Communication University of China in 2012.