
温凌 | 病房之3及委任壁画

温凌《病房之3》2023,布面丙烯,200×200 cm,壁画部分由北丘当代美术馆委任绘制,艺术家惠允

艺术家温凌(b. 1976)的创作涉及摄影、动画、绘画等多个领域。他⼀直希望尽可能⼴泛地传播⾃⼰的创作,让更多的⼈能进⼊⾃⼰的作品,拒绝当代艺术给普通观众带来的距离感。⼩到社交平台表情包,⼤⾄⽤数码旗帜包裹建筑物,温凌通过作品散播⾃⼰的世界观、性格DNA。他每每在⾯对流⾏媒介、⽹络社区的变迁时,敏感地做出改变。这件作品来自艺术家陪护父亲住院的经历,艺术家“至今无法忘记父亲去世前那几天的天气,那是春节期间,病房窗外阴郁的天空飘着雪花,带着刺骨寒冷,而病房里很暖和,甚至有些燥热。看着弥留之际无助的父亲和其他呻吟的病友们,我感到绝望”,天气赋予我们的不仅仅是生理层面的感知,也承载着特定的记忆与情绪。在展厅中,艺术家将这件作品放置在绘有当时场景的委任壁画之上,让悲伤的雪花晶体从北丘的展厅山体中滑落消散。


Ling Wen (b. 1976) is a multidisciplinary artist who works with photography, animation, and painting. He has always aspired to spread his inventions as broadly as possible, so that as many people as possible can participate in his work, rejecting the sense of remoteness that contemporary art creates for the general public. He disseminates his own philosophy and personality DNA through his works, from emoticons on social media platforms to draping buildings in digital flags, and is alert to developments in media and online communities. The artist "still can't forget the weather in the days before his father's death, it was during the Chinese New Year, the gloomy sky outside the window of the hospital room was filled with snowflakes and biting cold, while the hospital room was very warm and even a little bit hot." Looking at my father, who was powerless on his deathbed, and the other wailing patients, I felt sorrow." The weather not only provides us with physical perception, but also conveys distinct memories and emotions. The artist placed this work at the gallery on top of a commissioned mural painted with the setting, allowing the sorrowful snow crystals to glide down and fade from the gallery's mountain in Beiqiu. 

Commissioned by Beiqiu Museum of Contemporary Art

温凌,1976⽣于中国北京,2000毕业于中央美术学院版画系,现居北京。他的创作涉及摄影、动画、绘画等多个领域。2001年开设中国最早的摄影博客“ziboy.com”,亦是著名绘画社区“绿校”的发起⼈之⼀,同时,也是国内早期开始以Zine和私出版进⾏探索实践的代表⼈物。⾃2009年⾄今,温凌陆续出版了《54boy》、《One Day in My Life》、《FMB》等独⽴出版作品集。

温凌⼀直希望尽可能⼴泛地传播⾃⼰的创作,让更多的⼈能进⼊⾃⼰的作品,拒绝当代艺术给普通观众带来的距离感。⼩到社交平台表情包,⼤⾄⽤数码旗帜包裹建筑物,温凌通过作品散播⾃⼰的世界观、性格DNA。他每每在⾯对流⾏媒介、⽹络社区的变迁时,敏感地做出改变。最近他刚在YouTube上开设了ziboy TV频道,在流媒体平台展开新的尝试。

He Zike (b. 1990, Guiyang) is an artist whose works explore the interplay between personal perception, temporal experiences, and the ever-present flow of information in the media and technological environment, with a particular interest in the underlying disorder that exists beneath the surface. She invesitgates personal and collective memory by engaging with archives, databases, material repositories, and narratives. Her recent projects are revolve around daily life encompassed by deep time, infrastructure, maching learning, planet computing, and storage. Approach to narrative often takes a central position as she navigates the boundaries of various frameworks. Her works take the form of video, writing, installation, and computer programs.

She is supported by the 5th VH Award of Hyundai Motor Group as one of the five finalists, and the residency program of Pro Helvetia, the Swiss Arts Council in 2023. From 2021, She co-initiated the interdisciplinary project “Under the Cloud” which visits and studies the technological infrastructure in Southwest China.

She graduated with a master's degree from the Department of Future Media Art at China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2018. In 2017, she studied media art at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design in Germany. She received her bachelor's degree in Digital Film Making from Communication University of China in 2012.


