卡丹巴丽·巴克西及研究小组 | 空气漂移 Air Drift
卡丹巴丽·巴克西及研究小组 《空气漂移》(静帧)2016,高清影像和图表文献,艺术家惠允
Interdisciplinary Research Group: Kadambari Baxi, Janette Kim, Meg McLagan, David Schiminovich, Mark Wasiuta. In collaboration with scientists at NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, Maryland.
卡丹巴丽·巴克西(Kadambari Baxi)的创作实践包括设计、影像和空间项目。她从事致力于解决气候正义、公平劳动和生育权利等问题的项目,并以项目为基础组建跨学科团队,与艺术家、策展人、科学家、学者和学生合作。”空气漂移” 是一个多媒体跨界项目,该项目关注跨越国界的空气污染,探讨地区有害气体如何逾越国家领空,造成新的污染。工业与城市中排放产生的微粒:如二氧化碳、粉尘、二氧化氮、臭氧与酸雨微粒等。这些微粒漂移到极远之地,对云层、天气与气候的形成产生重要影响。随着这些空气在不同城市和国家之间飘荡,我们不断其形塑、编码与浸润,无论身处洁净的环境,还是饱受污染的遥远都市,我们都在共享被有毒气体充满的生命旅程。这一点在近期日本向海洋倾倒核废水等有害物质的事件中,亦可以形成令人深思的互文。
Kadambari Baxi's creative practice includes design, video, and spatial projects. She works on projects that address issues of climate justice, fair labor, and reproductive rights, and uses her projects as the basis for interdisciplinary teams that collaborate with artists, curators, scientists, scholars, and students. Air Drift is a multimedia, cross-border project that focuses on air pollution across national borders, exploring how regionally hazardous gases transcend national airspace and create new pollution. Industry and cities produce particles such as carbon dioxide, dust, nitrogen dioxide, ozone and acid rain particles. These particles travel great distances and have a significant impact on cloud cover, weather and climate formation. As this air travels from city to city and country to country, we are constantly being shaped, coded and infiltrated by it, and whether we are in clean environments or polluted distant cities, we are sharing the journey of a life filled with toxic gases. This is also a thought-provoking intertextualization of the recent dumping of hazardous substances such as nuclear wastewater into the ocean in Japan.
卡丹巴丽·巴克西及研究小组 《空气漂移》(静帧)2016,高清影像和图表文献,艺术家惠允
Kadambari Baxi, Professor of Practice in Architecture, joined Barnard faculty in 2009.
Baxi's practice creates design, media and spatial projects. Currently, she is working on projects addressing concerns for climate justice, fair labor and reproductive rights. Forming interdisciplinary teams on project basis, most often, she works collaboratively with artists, curators, scientists, academics and students.