子杰 | 东湖龙王庙
Zijie is a cartoonist and printer who has long been concerned with urbanization and space, technology and writing. He says, "In 2015 I built a Dragon King Temple on the edge of Wuhan's East Lake, which forms a spatial confrontation with the buildings that shoot up and enclose the shores of the East Lake across the water; this temple has existed for many years now, and has not been torn down as an unauthorized building in the park/national 4A scenic spot." ...... "The incident of the Dragon King Temple is also recorded and made into a booklet, which is included in the cartoon of the series "Guide to Space Use".
June LEE was born in Yulin, Guangxi Province, 1985 and currently lives and works in Wuhan. He is an alternative comics maker, writer and activist who focuses on illustration and manga culture as an artistic tool within anti-gentrification movements, revolving especially around marginalised characters involved with issues of urbanisation and spatial justice.