【1】 Celestial holography meets twisted holography: 4d amplitudes from chiral correlators
备注:69 pages, 6 figures, 1 table
摘要:We propose a new program for computing a certain integrand of scattering
amplitudes of four-dimensional gauge theories which we call the \textit{form
factor integrand}, starting from 6d holomorphic theories on twistor space. We
show that the form factor integrands can be expressed as sums of products of
1.) correlators of a 2d chiral algebra, related to the algebra of asymptotic
symmetries uncovered recently in the celestial holography program, and 2.) OPE
coefficients of a 4d non-unitary CFT. We prove that conformal blocks of the
chiral algebras are in one-to-one correspondence with local operators in 4d. We
use this bijection to recover the Parke-Taylor formula, the CSW formula, and
certain one-loop scattering amplitudes. Along the way, we explain and derive
various aspects of celestial holography, incorporating techniques from the
twisted holography program such as Koszul duality. This perspective allows us
to easily and efficiently recover the infinite-dimensional chiral algebras of
asymptotic symmetries recently extracted from scattering amplitudes of massless
gluons and gravitons in the celestial basis. We also compute some simple
one-loop corrections to the chiral algebras and derive the three-dimensional
bulk theories for which these 2d algebras furnish an algebra of boundary local
【2】 The spatial Functional Renormalization Group and Hadamard states on cosmological spacetimes
备注:59 pages, 1 figure
摘要:A spatial variant of the Functional Renormalization Group (FRG) is introduced
on (Lorentzian signature) globally hyperbolic spacetimes. Through its
perturbative expansion it is argued that such a FRG must inevitably be state
dependent and that it should be based on a Hadamard state. A concrete
implementation is presented for scalar quantum fields on flat
Friedmann-Lema\^{i}tre spacetimes. The universal ultraviolet behavior of
Hadamard states allows the flow to be matched to the one-loop renormalized flow
(where strict removal of the ultraviolet cutoff requires a tower of potentials,
one for each power of the Ricci scalar). The state-dependent infrared behavior
of the flow is investigated for States of Low Energy, which are Hadamard states
deemed to be viable vacua for a pre-inflationary period. A simple
time-dependent infrared fixed point equation (resembling that in Minkowski
space) arises for any scale factor, with analytically computable corrections
coding the non-perturbative ramifications of the Hadamard property in the
【3】 Topological invariant of 4-manifolds based on a 3-group
备注:21+12 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0708.3051 by other authors
摘要:We study a generalization of a 4-dimensional BF-theory in the context of
higher gauge theory. We construct a triangulation independent topological state
sum Z, based on the classical 3BF action for a general 3-group and a
4-dimensional spacetime manifold. This state sum coincides with Porter's TQFT
for d=4 and n=3. In order to verify that the constructed state sum is a
topological invariant of the underlying 4-dimensional manifold, its behavior
under Pachner moves is analyzed, and it is obtained that the state sum Z
remains the same. This paper is a generalization of the work done by Girelli,
Pfeiffer, and Popescu for the case of state sum based on the classical 2BF
action with the underlying 2-group structure.
【4】 On some new types of membrane solutions
摘要:New classes of exact M(em)brane solutions in M+2 dimensional Minkowski space
are presented (some describing non-trivial topology changes, while others
explicitly avoid finite-time singularity formation)
【5】 Entanglement Entropy in Horndeski Gravity
备注:18 pages, 2 figures
摘要:In this work, we explore the holographic entanglement entropy with an
infinite strip region of the boundary in Horndeski gravity. In our prescription
we consider the spherically and planar topologies black holes in the
AdS$_{4}$/CFT$_{3}$ scenario. In such framework, we show the behavior of the
entanglement entropy in function of the Horndeski parameters. Such parameters
control the storage of information of the subsystem A where her can be
increasing or decreasing, but in the critical point of the Horndeski theory the
information process non-vanishing. This entanglement entropy will be computed
by some analytical techniques that were studies by some authors, as to know
\cite{Chaturvedi:2016kbk}. Thus, with this scheme we compute the first law of
entanglement thermodynamics in Horndeski gravity and we show that a very small
subsystem obeys the analogous property of the first law of thermodynamics if we
excite the system.
【6】 Solving formally the Auxiliary System of $O(N)$ Non Linear Sigma Model
备注:5 pages
摘要:We show that the integrability of the $SO(N)/SO(N-1)$ Principal Chiral Model
(PCM) originates from the Pohlmeyer reduction of the $O(N)$ Non Linear Sigma
Model (NLSM). In particular, we show that the Lax pair of the PCM is related
upon redefinitions and identification of parameters to the zero curvature
condition, which is a consequence of the flatness of the enhanced space used in
the Pohlmeyer reduction. This identification provides the solution of the
auxiliary system that corresponds to an arbitrary NLSM/PCM solution.
【7】 U(1) Fields from Qubits: an Approach via D-theory Algebra
备注:42 pages, 8 figures
摘要:A new quantum link microstructure was proposed for the lattice QCD
Hamiltonian, replacing the Wilson gauge links by a bilinear of fermionic
qubits, later generalized to D-theory. This formalism provides a general
framework for building lattice field theory algorithms for quantum computing.
We focus mostly on the simplest case of a quantum rotor for a single compact
U(1) field. We also make some progress for non-abelian setups, making it clear
that the ideas developed in the U(1) case extend to other groups. These in turn
are building blocks for 1+0 matrix models, 1+1 sigma models and non-Abelian
gauge theories in 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions. By introducing multiple flavors for
the U(1) field, where the flavor symmetry is gauged, we can efficiently
approach the infinite-dimensional Hilbert space of the quantum O(2) rotor with
increasing flavors. The emphasis of the method is on preserving the symplectic
algebra exchanging fermionic qubits by sigma matrices (or hard bosons) and
developing a formal strategy capable of generalization to SU(3) field for
lattice QCD and other non-Abelian 1+1 sigma models or 1+3 gauge theories. For
U(1) we discuss briefly the qubit algorithms for the study of the discrete 1+1
Sine-Gordon equation.
【8】 More on Topological Hydrodynamic Modes
备注:32 pages, 4 figures
摘要:Based on previous work that topologically nontrivial gapless modes in
relativistic hydrodynamics could be found by weakly breaking the energy
momentum conservation, in this paper, we study the holographic system which
produces the same hydrodynamic modes. In the hydrodynamic system, one
possibility to obtain the energy momentum non-conservation is to couple the
system to external gravitational fields, i.e. to observe the system in a
special non-inertial frame. Similar to what happens in the hydrodynamic system,
a non-inertial frame version of holography indeed produces the same
topologically nontrivial gapless hydrodynamic modes. We also generalize the
study of topological modes in relativistic hydrodynamics to the case with one
extra U(1) current and find that more complicated topological phase diagrams
could exist when we consider more possibilities of the mass terms. We also
discuss the possible underlying mechanism for this topological change in the
spectrum when being observed in a non-inertial reference frame.
【9】 Precision Bootstrap for the $\mathcal{N}=1$ Super-Ising Model
备注:32 pages, 6 figures
摘要:In this note we report an improved determination of the scaling dimensions
and OPE coefficients of the minimal supersymmetric extension of the 3d Ising
model using the conformal bootstrap. We also show how this data can be used as
input to the Lorentzian inversion formula, finding good agreement between
analytic calculations and numerical extremal spectra once mixing effects are
【10】 Anisotropic Special Relativity
摘要:Anisotropic Special Relativity (ASR) is the relativistic theory of nature
with a preferred direction in space-time. By relaxing the full-isotropy
constraint on space-time to the preference of one direction, we get a
perturbative modification of the Minkowski metric as
$\mathscr{g}_{\mu\nu}=\eta_{\mu\nu}+b\epsilon_{\mu\nu}$ leading to an extension
to the geometrical objects such as line element. The symmetry group in ASR is
obtained to be the space-time translations together with the group of
2-dimensional complex special linear transformations, $SL(2,C)$, generated by a
complexification of $A=K_x+K_y$ and $B=J_y-J_x$ and $C=K_z$, in the case of
$z$-direction preference. A procedure to make the anisotropic quantum field
theory is provided where the Lorentz invariant Lagrangians need to be replaced
with their ASR version in which the inner product of any pair of
covariant/contravariant indices is mediated by the anisotropic metric
【11】 A $p$-Adic Matter in a Closed Universe
摘要:In this paper, we introduce a new type of matter that has origin in $p$-adic
strings, i.e., strings with a $p$-adic worldsheet. We investigate some
properties of this $p$-adic matter, in particular its cosmological aspects. We
start with crossing symmetric scattering amplitudes for $p$-adic open strings
and related effective nonlocal and nonlinear Lagrangian which describes tachyon
dynamics at the tree level. Then, we make a slight modification of this
Lagrangian and obtain a new Lagrangian for non-tachyonic scalar field. {Using
this new Lagrangian in the weak field approximation as a matter in Einstein
gravity with the cosmological constant, one obtains an exponentially expanding
FLRW closed universe.} At the end, we discuss the obtained results, i.e.,
computed mass of the scalar $p$-adic particle, estimated radius of related
closed universe and noted $p$-adic matter as a possible candidate for dark
【12】 Revisiting the gluino mass limits in the pMSSM in the light of the latest LHC data and Dark Matter constraints
备注:37 pages LaTex, comments are welcome
摘要:The purpose of this paper is to examine the model dependence of the stringent
constraints on the gluino mass obtained from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
experiments by analyzing the Run II data using specific simplified models based
on several ad hoc sparticle spectra which cannot be realized even in the fairly
generic pMSSM models. We first revisit the bounds on the gluino mass placed by
the ATLAS collaboration using the $1l + jets + \met$ data. We show that the
exclusion region in the $M_{\widetilde{g}}-M_{\widetilde{\chi}^0_1}$ plane in
the pMSSM scenario sensitively depends on the mass hierarchy between the left
and right squarks and composition of the lighter electroweakinos and, to a
lesser extent, other parameters. Most importantly, for higgsino type lighter
electroweakinos (except for the LSP), the bound on the gluino mass from this
channel practically disappears. However, if such models are confronted by the
ATLAS $jets + \met$ data, fairly strong limits are regained. Thus in the pMSSM
an analysis involving a small number of channels may provide more reliable mass
limits. We have also performed detailed analyses on neutralino dark matter
(DM)constraints in the models we have studied and have found that for a
significant range of LSP masses, the relic density constraints from the
WMAP/PLANCK data are satisfied and LSP-gluino coannihilation plays an important
role in relic density production. We have also checked the simultaneous
compatibility of the models studied here with the direct DM detection, the
IceCube data, and the LHC constraints.
【13】 How fundamental is entropy? From non-extensive statistics and black hole physics to the holographic dark universe
备注:13 pages, no figures
摘要:We propose a new entropy construct that generalizes the Tsallis, R\'enyi,
Sharma-Mittal, Barrow, Kaniadakis, and Loop Quantum Gravity entropies and
reduces to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy in a certain limit. This proposal is
applied to the Schwarzschild black hole and to spatially homogeneous and
isotropic cosmology, where it is shown that it can potentially describe
inflation and/or holographic dark energy.
【14】 Ghost instability in the teleparallel gravity model with parity violations
备注:9 pages, 0 figure, teleparallel gravity, parity violation
摘要:In this paper we consider the parity violating gravity model within the
framework of teleparallel gravity. The parity violations are caused by the
couplings of a scalar field to the scalar invariants which are parity-odd and
quadratic in the torsion tensor. Totally there are two such type independent
invariants, and one of them is the Nieh-Yan density. Through investigations on
the cosmological perturbations of this model, we find that in general it
suffers from the difficulties of ghost instability in the scalar and vector
perturbations. But in the special case only the coupling to the Nieh-Yan
density exists, this model is ghost free and reduces to the Nieh-Yan modified
Teleparallel Gravity model.
【15】 Chiral condensates and screening masses of neutral pseudoscalar mesons in thermomagnetic QCD medium
备注:11 pages, 9 figures
摘要:We point out that chiral condensates at nonzero temperature and magnetic
fields are in strict connection to the space-time integral of corresponding
two-point neutral meson correlation functions in the pseudoscalar channel via
the Ward-Takahashi identity. Screening masses of neutral pseudoscalar mesons,
which are defined as the exponential decay of the corresponding spatial
correlation functions in the long distance, thus are intrinsically connected to
(inverse) magnetic catalysis of chiral condensates. To study this we performed
lattice simulations of $(2+1)$-flavor QCD on $32^3\times N_t$ lattices with
pion mass $M_\pi\simeq 220$ MeV in a fixed scale approach having temperature
$T\in[17, 281]$ MeV and magnetic field strength $eB\in[0, 2.5]$ GeV$^2$. We
find that screening lengths, i.e. inverses of screening masses of $\pi^0$,
$K^0$ and $\eta^0_{s\bar{s}}$, turn out to have the similar complex $eB$ and
$T$ dependences of the corresponding chiral condensates. Although the
transition temperature is found to always decrease as $eB$ grows, we show that
the suppression due to magnetic fields becomes less significant for hadron
screening length and chiral condensates with heavier quarks involved, and
ceases to occur for $\eta^0_{s\bar{s}}$ and strange quark chiral condensate.
The complex $eB$ and $T$ dependences of both screening masses and chiral
condensates, reflecting the crossover nature of the QCD transition, are
attributed to the competition between sea and valence quark effects. These
findings could be useful to guide low-energy models and effective theories of
【16】 Gravitational Reheating
备注:5 pages, 4 figures
摘要:In this letter, we show for the first time that the perfect state of our
present universe can be obtained through gravitational interaction between
inflaton and all fundamental fields during reheating without invoking new
physics. Our analysis revealed that gravitational reheating is consistent for a
very restricted class of inflation models and narrow ranges of reheating
temperature and dark matter mass.
【17】 Swiss-cheese cosmologies with variable $G$ and $Λ$ from the renormalization group
备注:15 pages, 3 figures
摘要:A convincing explanation for the nature of the dark energy and dark matter is
still missing. In recent works a RG-improved swiss-cheese cosmology with an
evolving cosmological constant dependent on the \sch radius has been proven to
be a promising model to explain the observed cosmic acceleration. In this work
we extend this model to consider the combined scaling of the Newton constant
$G$ and the cosmological constant $\Lambda$ according to the IR-fixed point
hypothesis. We shall show that our model easily generates the observed recent
passage from deceleration to acceleration without need of extra energy scales,
exotic fields or fine tuning. In order to check the generality of the concept,
two different scaling relations have been analysed and we proved that both are
in very good agreement with $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. We also show that our model
satisfies the observational local constraints on $\dot{G}/G$.
【18】 Black Hole Superradiance in Dynamical Chern-Simons Gravity
备注:19 pages, 4 figures
摘要:Black hole superradiance provides a window into the dynamics of light scalar
fields and their interactions close to a rotating black hole. Due to the
rotation of the black hole, the amplitude of the scalar field becomes
magnified, leading to a "black hole bomb" effect. Recent work has demonstrated
that rotating black holes in dynamical Chern-Simons gravity possess unique
structures, the "Chern-Simons caps," which may influence the behavior of matter
near the black hole. Motivated by the presence of these caps, we study
superradiance in dynamical Chern-Simons gravity in the context of a slowly
rotating black hole. We find that additional modes are excited and contribute
to the superradiance beyond what is expected for a Kerr black hole. Studying
the superradiant spectrum of perturbations, we find that the Chern-Simons
contributions give rise to small corrections to the angular dependence of the
resulting scalar cloud. Finally, we comment on potential observable
consequences and future avenues for investigation.
【19】 Bubble universes and traversable wormholes
备注:24 pages, 8 figures
摘要:Bubble universes and traversable wormholes in general relativity can be
realized as two sides of the same concept. To exemplify, we find, display, and
study in a unified manner a Minkowski-Minkowski closed universe and a
Minkowski-Minkowski traversable wormhole. By joining two 3-dimensional flat
balls along a thin shell two-sphere of matter, i.e., a spherical domain wall,
into a single spacetime one gets a Minkowski-Minkowski static closed universe,
i.e., a bubble universe. By joining two 3-dimensional complements of flat balls
along a thin shell two-sphere of matter, i.e., a spherical throat, into a
single spacetime one gets a Minkowski-Minkowski static open universe which is a
traversable wormhole. Thus, Minkowski-Minkowski bubble universes and wormholes
can be seen as complementary. It is also striking that these two spacetimes
have resemblances with two well-known static universes. The Minkowski-Minkowski
static closed universe resembles the Einstein universe, a static closed
spherical universe homogeneously filled with dust matter and with a
cosmological constant. The Minkowski-Minkowski static open universe resembles
the Friedmann static universe, a static open hyperbolic universe homogeneously
filled with negative energy density dust and with a negative cosmological, a
universe with two disjoint branes that can be considered a failed wormhole. In
this light, the Einstein and Friedmann universes are also two sides of the same
concept. A linear stability analysis for all these spacetimes is performed. The
complementarity between bubble universes and traversable wormholes, that exists
for these static spacetimes, can be can carried out for dynamical spacetimes,
indicating that such a complementarity is general. The study suggests that
bubble universes and traversable wormholes can be seen as coming out of the
same concept, and thus, if ones exist the others should also exist.